Chapter 7 - turning to the other side Part 2

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"Also did the bandage-wasting bastard nullify my ability?" He asked with slight confusion riddling his voice. The boss watching the two of you talk.

"No actually. I think- no I'm pretty sure it was me." You say, looking at Chuuya's confused expression.

"Oh? So you also have a nullifying ability. I thought Dazai was the only one. I see why you would want to partner with Chuuya." The boss says.

"No I don't wish to follow in the good-for-nothing b-" You paused and looked at Chuuya, his expression screamed don't finish that. "In Dazai's footsteps. I wish to make my own legacy. My nullifying ability works differently. I just have to look the person in the eye. They have to look back though." You say, looking into the boss' eyes. He was also looking into yours, which caused the little girl to disappear.

"I see." The boss paused. "I never caught your name." He asked.

"Oh so that little girl was your ability? I'm F/N, L/N. But please call me Y/N." You reply.

"I swear you're too observant." Chuuya mutters.

You couldn't help but let out a little chuckle as both you and Chuuya walked out of the boss' office. You followed Chuuya as you had no clue where you were going. So you chose to follow him. Hiding your confusion, as you were unsure how you were able to keep so calm. You knew you were a little drunk, but it shocked you that you could hold a conversation and didn't sound slurred.

"Oh shit." You say.

"You swear way too much." He says.

"I need to get clothes from my house. But I'm pretty sure the ADA know where I live. So what the fuck am I gonna do?" You say.

"You could always just go. I'll go with you. You can make it seem as if you're leaving Yokohama." He says.

"Good idea. I can grab some bottles of wine as well. I'll probably not drink any tonight. I've had enough to make me a little drunk." You say.

"What?! You held a conversation with Mori and you're a little drunk?! How ?!" He asks.

"I'm used to hiding things." You say.

You and Chuuya then left the Port Mafia headquarters and headed to your house. Luckily, you couldn't see the ADA nearby. You told Chuuya to wait outside just in case. You had a feeling Dazai might be inside your house. You didn't want to believe it, but it was most likely true.

You walked in and headed straight for your kitchen. To your surprise, you saw both Atsushi and Dazai sat at your kitchen table. You were expecting Dazai. But not Atsushi. You thought nothing of it and just ignored them. You opened the cupboard where you kept your wine and grabbed a couple bottles before setting them on the kitchen counter. You left the kitchen and went upstairs, but they both followed you.

"You know. Technically this is breaking and entering." You say as you reach your room.

"You did go missing." Atsushi said.

"For a couple hours." You said.

"Wait why are you packing?" Atsushi asked.

"Because I need to take some time to myself." You say.

"So you're 'leaving' Yokohama." Dazai says.

"YesI'm leaving Yokohama. Is that an issue?" You ask.

You stared at both of them. Atsushi seemed really uncomfortable. You then looked straight at Dazai. He turned to Atsushi and told him he had everything sorted. So Atsushi left. That left you and Dazai. Alone. You turned to keep packing before Dazai started to talk again. You knew what he was going to say, so you planned your answer.

"You're joining the Port Mafia, aren't you?" He questions.

"No. I already told you, I'm leaving Yokohama. I have family in the countryside. I'll most likely stay with them for a bit. I want to- no I need to work out who I am." You say.

"But you know who you are." He says.

"No. I don't. I haven't known for the past 13 years. I've lived a controlled life. I've never made any decisions for myself until now. So if I want to leave Yokohama, there is nothing holding me here. I'm just an office assistant. You don't need me." You shout.

Chuuya probably heard you and Dazai arguing as he had also entered your house. You turned around and saw him stood behind you. You looked at him and it was as if he knew what you were thinking. You wanted him to make it seem as if you two didn't know each other. And weren't partners. He seemed to agree so willingly.

"So you are joining the Port Mafia?" Dazai questions.

"No. I'm not. Why is that so hard for you to get your head around?!" You shout.

"I only came in cos I heard you two arguing. Now that I know that it's the bandage-wasting bastard, I came to fight." He says.

Dazai sighed before answering. Atsushi had joined at this point. " I guess we don't have a choice." He replied.

The four of you went outside. You insisted it be you who fought Atsushi, since you were the one who caused the argument in the first place. Dazai, Chuuya, and Atsushi were kind of hesitant about you fighting him, but you were extremely insistent. You hated Dazai with all of your being and hated when he could read you like a book.

"Let the power of the wicked fall on death's ears." You screamed out.

You knew using the darker side of your ability was a bad idea, but you had no choice. Besides, you knew Dazai could stop you if it got out of hand. You would've preferred Chuuya fighting Atsushi, since you had a feeling Chuuya and Dazai might start fighting.

Your fight went on for a while, both of you landing hit after another. You knew it had to come to an end eventually, but you didn't want to be stopped. Chuuya just watched you. You were strong. It was a perfect partnership. You were both strong. You slightly more than Chuuya since you defeated him before.

After a while, Atsushi was sat on the floor, panting. He seemed to be worn out. But you weren't done. The darkness you emitted continued and you kept on forming things from light. You kept on going even though Atsushi was passed out on the floor. Dazai then walked over to you and tapped your shoulder, even though you tried to avoid him several times.

"Why do you always have to get involved?!" You shout at Dazai before falling to your knees. You tried to stand but failed.

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