Chapter 13

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"What?" Chuuya says.

"Hmm?" You say, looking up at him.

"Why are you leaning against your steering wheel?" Chuuya asks.

"Nothing. Just tired." You say.

"Hmm." Chuuya says, not believing you.

"Take off your jacket." Chuuya says.

"Huh? Why?" You say, not understanding.

"Just do it." Chuuya says.

"Fine." You say.

You take off your jacket and place it down on the seat next to you. You look back up at Chuuya, still not understanding why he asked you to remove your jacket.

"You're injured. Why did you ignore it?" Chuuya says.

"Because. I was focused solely on the mission. I didn't care about anything else." You reply.

"Right..." Chuuya says, annoyed.

"I have a first aid kit in the boot." You say.

Chuuya walks away from the side of your car and to your boot. He opens it and gets out your first aid kit. He passes it to you and you take it. You open the box and get out a piece of gauze and some surgical tape. He place the gauze on the cut and tape it down to your shoulder. You wince slightly at the pain but ignore it.

You then close your car door as Chuuya heads back to his own car. You follow him back to the Port Mafia headquarters before eventually getting back. Chuuya brought the woman down to the cellar at the bottom, chaining her to the tall stone pillar. He then headed back upstairs in search for you.

You had been given your own office to work on cases and any documents that you had been given. So you headed back to your office, opening the door and heading inside, sitting at your office chair. You sat down and pulled out a document that you needed to work on.

You grabbed a pen and started writing whatever you needed to do. You continued writing until you started to feel slightly tired. You closed the document and headed over to your sofa, lying down and falling asleep almost immediately.

After about an hour or so, you heard a knock on your office door. You stirred slightly and sat up, staring at the door. You walked over and opened it to see Chuuya stood there. Holding a bag and a first aid kit. You were still slightly tired so you couldn't quite get your head around what was going on.

"I'm confused." You eventually say.

"Well as soon as we got back, you disappeared. So I went looking for you. And I brought you something to eat." Chuuya says.

"Well thank you. You didn't have to." You say.

"I know." He says.

"Let me see your wound." He adds.

You take off your hoodie, revealing your tank top underneath. You moved the strap and showed him your shoulder. He gulped slightly at the sight and went to the first aid kit. He grabs a needle and sutures and heads back to you.

He starts sealing your wound causing you to bite your lip from pain. He eventually finished and you lay back down on the sofa. Falling asleep as soon as you did.

"Guess she was tired then." Chuuya says.

He sits at your desk and pulls out some paperwork that he had brought with him. He starts filling out some paperwork and you eventually wake up after an hour.

"Oh so you're awake now." He says.

"Sorry. I was just tired." You say.

"It's fine. Come on. Eat then." He says.

You sit up on your sofa and Chuuya passes you a bento box. You start eating and so does he. After a while you had both finished eating. You got up from the sofa and took the boxes off of him and placed them on your desk. You sat back down on the sofa and sighed.

"What?" Chuuya says, noticing you sigh.

"Nothing. Just. Bored." You say.

"Ok? So what do you wanna do?" Chuuya asks.

"I don't know. Roam around Yokohama? There's a few places I'd like to go to." You say.

"Like?" He says.

"I don't know. Maybe the park? I've always wanted to look at the cherry blossom trees that are spread around town. I've heard they're always so beautiful." You say.

"You've never seen them?" He asks.

"No. And I wish I had." You say.

"Ok. Well I need to go get more wine anyway so we can go if you want." He says, kicking the floor.

"That sounds nice." You say.

You both get up from the adjacent sofas and head outside the Mafia headquarters. You head over to your car and go to unlock it when he suggests his own. You head over to his car and get in. Him getting in on the drivers side shortly after you.

Agony of a lost soul - Chuuya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now