Chapter 11

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Third Person POV:
It was getting late and you had decided to go to sleep for the night. You then laid down on Chuuya's sofa and he gave you a questioning glance. You weren't sure why he was looking at you like that. You thought nothing of it and ignored the expression Chuuya was giving you.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Err. Sleeping?" You respond.

"I have a spare room. You don't have to sleep on my couch." He said.

"Oh. But your sofa is comfy." You say.

Without hesitation, Chuuya activates his ability on you. You immediately started to feel lighter. That's when you noticed what he was doing. He brought you upstairs and put you on the bed. You looked at him, annoyed. You thought nothing of it and just let your head hit the pillows. You went to sleep immediately. So Chuuya left and went to his own room to also his own room to also rest.

After a while, your nightmares had started. You tried to ignore them, but they were persistent.

"Now Y/N. Do you know why you are down here. Tied up in the basement?" The man said.

"No. Enlighten me." I answer.

"That attitude will get you nowhere." The man said, kicking me in the stomach.

"You disobeyed us. We told you to keep 1 alive. And you didn't. we had no one to interrogate. So you'll face the consequences of this." The man said.

"I did as you asked and left one man alive. It's not my fault he died. I did as told. Now let my family go!" I shout.

He kicked me. And punched me. And nearly left me there for dead. Yet another torturer. Why can't I escape this life? I try to run away from it but can't. I'll just have to brave this out once again. But I'll most likely be left for dead as always...

You jolted upright in the bed. Your breathing quickened. You had another nightmare again. You tried to bring your heart rate down but couldn't. After a couple attempts of trying, you heard a knock on your door. You tried to answer calmly but couldn't.

"C-come I-in." You say.

"You ok?" Chuuya asks.

"Y-yeah I-I'm f-fine." You paused and looked at your phone to see what the time was. "It's 1am. W-why a-are y-you awake?" You reply.

"You're clearly not ok. You can barely form sentences." Chuuya says, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"I had a nightmare. It sounds so fucking stupid. But they always haunt me." You say.

"Hey it's ok. What about?" Chuuya asks.

"My past. I was being tortured. The thing that scares me the most was the nightmare actually happened. The event happened." You reply.

"Why were you being tortured?" Chuuya asks.

"I was told to kill some people. And to keep 1 alive so they could interrogate him. But the man died. So they blamed me. And then tortured me because I basically didn't do as I was told. You should know, I was forced to kill people in the past. Or my parents would die." You respond.

"But that's in your past now. You need to move on. Go back to sleep. We leave at 7:30." Chuuya says as he gets up.

"O-ok I'll try." You sat as Chuuya left.

Time Skip to 7:30am:-

You had both gotten ready and were about to leave for the mission Chuuya had said you had. You were still unsure as to what this mission was, but you were going to wait until Chuuya told you what it was. You both walked out of his front door and to both of your cars. You both took separate cars and you followed Chuuya to the location of your mission. You still felt uneasy as Chuuya hadn't told you what your mission was.

You badly wanted to ask Chuuya what the mission was about but you didn't know if it was a good idea or not. You decided to just ask any despite your brain telling you not to. You called Chuuya on his mobile and soon got an answer.

"So. What's the mission?" You eventually ask.

"We have to go silence some people who disobeyed the boss. I thought I told you this." Chuuya says.

"No. You didn't say anything to me." You reply.

"Huh. Ok then." Chuuya says.

The call then ended and you continued the car ride to the location Chuuya was leading you to. You eventually arrived at the location and you got out of your car. You headed over to where Chuuya was and awaited his briefing. You were prepared to do anything. Though inside you were slightly scared. Scared of what was to come. Scared the mission might not go well even though it wasn't exactly a hard mission.

"I'll take the front and you take the back. Abilities are allowed." Chuya says.

"Ok." You say.

Agony of a lost soul - Chuuya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now