Chapter 10

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Your POV:
"Bless you." Chuuya said as I sneezed. He was dressing my wounds.

"Thank you. Must mean someone's talking about me. It better not be that suicidal bastard." I say, slightly angry but hiding pain. Cleaning a wound is painful.

"I see you're calling him the suicidal bastard now as well. You used to call him a good-for-nothing human." Chuuya says.

"But he is good-for-nothing. He's most likely at the ADA struggling on whether or not he should tell them I've joined the Port Mafia. He'll probably go to Ranpo for help then keep it a secret." I respond.

"Like I said before, you are too observant." Chuuya says as he finishes cleaning the wound.

"That hurts you know. Still can't run away from getting injured, can I?" I said letting out a sigh.

"Yeah you have been injured twice in the past 2 days." He says.

"Oh that's nothing. I've been tortured every day for 3 weeks straight before. I'm lucky to be alive. Not lucky that I'm sat here though." I pause, wanting to change the subject. "Do we have a mission for tomorrow?" I add.

"Don't think I didn't notice that you changed the topic. And yes, but you need to rest." He said.

"I'll be fine. It's just a scratch. I fought Atsushi earlier and I was still recovering from my injuries from my fight with Akutagawa. Honestly, I'll be fine." I say, really wanting to go on this mission. Even if I had no idea what it was.

"You have a point. Fine. We meet at 8am. You staying here tonight or are you going back home?" He asked.

"I can't go home. The ADA might look there. I'll find a hotel for the night. Maybe there's one nearby." I say.

I got up from the hospital bed and thanked Chuuya for dressing my wounds. I then pulled out my phone and tried to find a cab company in my contacts. I didn't have one. I told Chuuya I didn't have the number for a cab and he just said I could just drive my car. I forgot about my car. But then what would Chuuya do? I'm sure his car is nowhere nearby. So, I offered to drive him home.

"Let me drive you home." I offered as we walked towards the Port Mafia doors.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

I drove Chuuya to his house as he gave me directions. I was about to drive off to a hotel for the night, but he insisted I stayed. I don't know why. I decided not to argue and just take up his offer. I went to the boot of my car and pulled out a bag. He seemed shocked. What, it's not casual for someone to keep a bag of spare clothes in the boot of their car? Well Dazai's car. Now my car.

"Did you just grab a bag of spare clothes from the boot of your car?" He asks.

"Yes. It has a change of clothes and something to sleep in." I respond.

"When did you put that bag in your car?" He asks.

"It'salways in my car. I always keep a bag of spare clothes in the boot of my car.You never know when you'll need it." I say, locking my car.

I follow Chuuya into his house. It's really nice. Very homely. Extremely tidy too. I took off my shoes and went straight for his sofa, practically jumping on it. I think he was annoyed that I jumped onto his sofa. I'm sorry, but it's been forever since I've actually sat down on something comfy. Let alone a sofa.

I then remembered I had no clue what clothes were in my bags. So I grabbed the bag and opened it. There was black trousers, a white shirt, and a black blazer. And my black fedora and black gloves. Alongside black shoes. I always wondered where my fedora went. It was a gift I had bought myself the day I turned 18. It's still in really good condition. How long has it been in this bag?

(A/N: you can change the outfit if you like. If you don't like the outfit, feel free to make it whatever you want. I really want a fedora, that's why I constantly write it as a fashion item.)

I hadn't realised that I had pulled the fedora out of the bag. At this point, Chuuya was cooking in the kitchen. He came to ask me if I wanted anything to drink, and probably noticed me staring at a fedora in my hands. Come to think of it, doesn't Chuuya always wear fedora's? he probably thinks this is his. Or maybe not.

"What drink would- you wear fedora's too?" He asked.

"Yeah. They're a fashion statement. I've had this one since I was 18." I say, looking at him. "I'm undecided on whether to have wine or not. I get drunk easily." I add, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I'll just take (Fave drink) or water if you don't have that please." I ask.

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