Chapter 3

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Chuuya's POV:
Not long after I kicked them, they passed out. I noticed they were bleeding so thought nothing of it. I left the basement with Akutagawa and went to report to the boss. I had to tell him they weren't complying. I had no clue what the boss would do next. I shrugged it off and knocked on the boss' door.

"Come in." The boss answered.

"How's the interrogation, Chuuya?" Mori asked.

"Not well. They aren't complying. They haven't answered a single question. No matter what we tried." I answer.

"I see. Then I guess we have no choice but to let them go." Mori said.

"Let them go?" I question.

"Yes. We can't kill someone with such a strong ability. We'll just have to try and convince them another day to join our ranks." Mori pauses. "You may let them go." Mori finishes.

"Ok. But they're in pretty bad shape." I add.

"It's fine. I'll just call Dazai to come get them." Mori replies.

"Great. Dazai." I muttered.

"You can wait with them outside until he arrives." Mori adds.

"Great. I have to deal with that suicidal bastard." I mutter again.

I left the boss' office and headed down to the basement. I eventually arrived and saw that they were awake again. They looked like shit. Well I guess they did fight both me and Akutagawa. But they're strong as fuck. Even I couldn't keep up with them. Why the fuck is Dazai coming for them? Wait don't tell me they work for the ADA. Shit. No wonder the boss wants them alive. Although, I think Dazai was shocked when he found out they had an ability.

Iunlocked the chains and they dropped to the floor. I went over and helped themto stand. Yup. They definitely looked like shit. It was a struggle, but weeventually ended up on the Port Mafia steps. Waiting for the suicidal bastardto show up. We sat down because they could barely stand. How is it they avoidedevery single one of my attacks, but got hit by Akutagawa twice?

Third Person POV:
"How is it you were able to avoid every single one of my attacks, but got hit by Akutagawa twice?" Chuuya asks.

"Oh. Because your ability is encased in darkness. And I was then able to predict your movements. However, Akutagawa was the harder one to predict. I focused so much on trying to predict it, that I never saw him coming." You ask.

"I'm confused." Chuuya answers.

"My ability. The side I can't control. Is completely made of darkness. And since yours is the same, I could predict your movements." You reply.

"But you were making weapons out of nothing." He said.

"I was making weapons out of light. That's the full extent of my ability." You say.

"So like a Ying-Yang?" He questioned.

"Yeah. I guess you could call it that." You reply.

You still felt weak and was still losing blood from the attacks. You felt weak and stiff all over. You wanted Dazai to hurry up. Although you like being in his company, you were enemies. You didn't want to be. But you felt uneasy. You were unsure whether you wanted to stay with the ADA or join the Port Mafia. Then it hit you. Why were you being let free from the blood-stained walls known as the Port Mafia.

"Wait. Why are you letting me walk free?" You ask, confused.

"Because the boss wants to keep you alive. He says you have a strong ability and he wants to convince you one day to join the Port Mafia." He says.

"I see. I'm kinda stuck by that. I've had a troubled past, and I don't want to use my ability to harm another person again. I don't want to go back to the ADA. But I don't know if I want to join the Port Mafia." You respond.

"Oh ok. Troubled in what way?" Chuuya asks.

"Erm. Let's just say I was forced to kill people against my own will. If I didn't, my parents were going to be killed. They were killed eventually, and I did nothing to protect them. I was just extorted for my own ability." You say, looking up to see Dazai approaching.

"The suicidal maniac decides to return." Chuuya says.

"Ah Chuuya. Still as pint-sized as always." Dazai beams.

"I'm not pint-sized!" Chuuya yells.

"If you say so, Chuuya." Dazai says in response.

Dazai then walked over to help you stand. He had no clue why you felt so weak. The only thing you did know, you wanted to avoid Kunikida at all costs. He would've given you an earful. You chose to speak to Dazai and asked him yet another request.

"Dazai. I have another request. Please actually follow it this time." You say annoyed.

"Ok what is it?" He chimes.

"Don't let Yosano heal me. I don't deserve it. I'll heal by myself. It's my fault I'm this badly beaten up in the first place. If I had told you why I had those scars in the first place, this wouldn't-" Dazai cut you off.

"It's not your fault. You wanted to keep it to yourself. And I can fulfil this wish. I didn't listen to your last request because I had a bad feeling something was going to happen. Also, how did you manage to stay awake after using that side of your ability." Dazai asks.

"To be honest, I don't know. I thought it was willpower." You say, laughing slightly.

Agony of a lost soul - Chuuya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now