Chapter 5

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Third Person POV:

You walked into the bar and took a seat in a corner booth. Nobody seemed to notice you enter. After sitting down, you pick up a menu and decide what drink you're going to order. You order a glass of wine and wait for the person to bring you a glass. After a while, they returned with your glass and a bottle, since they could tell you were going to have more than one glass. You sat there in silence enjoying the wine. It seemed to calm you in a way, that made you forget about pretty much everything and anything.

"You can't be here." A voice whispered. The person who spoke then sat down.

You looked up and saw the orange-haired guy from earlier.

"Oh. I heard Dazai say his name earlier. What was it? Oh it was Chuuya. I think." You thought to yourself.

"You." You said after seeing who was sat opposite you.

"You shouldn't be here. This is a Port Mafia bar. If they find out-" You cut him dead.

"If they find out what? They can't do anything. Like you said, your boss wants me alive. So they technically can't lay a finger on me." You say in defence.

"Yeah. But why is a member of the ADA in a Port Mafia bar?" He whispers, so as not to draw attention to who he is talking to.

"Who says I work for the ADA?" You pause and notice Chuuya refill his drink with the wine bottle on your table. "Hey. I'm paying for that you know?!" You say, slightly annoyed.

"I'll pay for it then. And it's obvious you work for the ADA. Why else would my boss ask that suicidal bastard to come get you?" He angrily replies.

"Suicidal bastard?" You pause, trying to work out who that was. "Oh you mean bandage-wasting good-for-nothing human?" You add.

"So you hate him too?" He asks, curiously. You were both clearly a little drunk.

"Yeah. He's so annoying. Well annoying is an understatement. I wanted to finish that fight with the Oreo-haired guy as well." You say, slightly sad but annoyed at the same time.

"Oreo-haired guy?" He questions, clearly confused.

"Yeah. The guy you were with in the alley and the interrogation room or whatever you call that basement." You reply.

"Oh. You mean Akutagawa." He said, trying not to laugh.

After what seemed like hours of talking, Dazai had arrived. Atsushi must have told him you were taking a while. He most likely came because Atsushi had probably told him which bar you were actually at. He snuck up on you and dragged you out of the bar. Earning a pissed-off glare from Chuuya. You were enjoying talking to him, even if you were both a little tipsy.

"What are you doing talking to him? You know who he is right?" Dazai says, he seemed almost annoyed.

"Yes. And I know he wouldn't even dare trying to fight me. I did beat him in the alley after all." You say, shrugging your shoulders.

"It doesn't matter, Y/N. He is a member of the Port Mafia. He's dangerous. Everyone in that bar was dangerous. What were you thinking coming here?" He said, still annoyed almost.

"So what if he's dangerous. So am I if I use the darker side of my ability. Besides, no one in that bar could've done anything anyway." You reply, shrugging your shoulders again.

"And why's that?" Dazai questions.

"Because. Chuuya told me his boss wants me alive. And is going to try and convince me to join the Port Mafia at a later date. So none of his subordinates would be able to kill me. Dazai you can't keep acting like my father figure. I'm 20 years old. I can look after myself. I don't need you telling me who I can and can't hang out with. It's my choice. I wasn't able to make many choices in the past. So let me live my life the way I want to Dazai." You yell, running away from Dazai as you do so.

What you said was true. You were fed up of Dazai telling you who you can socialise with. He acted like the father you had lost. And you hated it. You wanted to live your life your own way. Kind of like how Kunikida wishes to live his life based off of his ideals. You wanted freedom. You wanted to break free from the shackles Dazai had bound you by. You weren't a kid. You were an adult. One who was not even that younger than Dazai himself.

You kept on running. And running. And running. You weren't paying attention as to where. You just ran. You wanted to disappear. You stopped around a corner and made sure Dazai didn't follow you. He didn't. He most likely lost you a while back. You knew the backstreets of Yokohama quite well. The one question that had been bugging your mind for a while now. You had finally figured out your answer.

"I'm done being in the ADA. I heard Dazai had left the Port Mafia to join the ADA, so why can't I do what he did. Just the other way around? Chuuya's boss said he wanted me alive. My only problem is getting inside the Port Mafia building. I could find the Oreo-haired guy. Or wait here for Chuuya. But if I wait for Chuuya, Dazai might find me. Oh wait. I can see the Oreo-haired guy. How do I get his attention?" You thought to yourself.

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