Chapter 14

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You got into Chuuya's car and began heading towards the town centre. He drove for a while before parking his car. You both got out and he guided you to the wine store. You head inside and he buys his favourite bottle of wine. You start looking around the store and notice all the different brands and flavours of wine that you could buy.

Once Chuuya was finished, you headed for the exit. Chuuya led you to a restaurant in the middle of town. You both went inside and sat down in a booth, waiting for someone to take your order. Soon, a waiter came and served you. You both ordered drinks and waited for them to arrive.

Once they did, you both ordered a meal and began small talk amongst yourselves.

"What made you leave the stupid agency in the first place?" Chuuya asks.

"I had a rule I was told to follow by. My mother made sure I remembered it. If I was to ever get kidnapped and asked to team up with the people I kidnap, I should agree. And not cause any problems for myself." You explain.

"I guess it makes sense but isn't that also dangerous at the same time?" Chuuya asks.

"Well yes. It means I still open myself up to dangerous possibilities. But at the very least I'm protected by the agency I serve." You explain.

"Huh. Never thought of it that way." Chuuya says.

"Your food." The waiter says, putting the food down in front of you and Chuuya.

You both start eating your food before Chuuya asks another question.

"So if it was Akutagawa who found you, what would you do then?" Chuuya asks.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"If it was only Akutagawa who found you. Not both of us. Just him." Chuuya says.

"Then there is no way in hell I would've joined up with you and leave my old job behind." You explain.

"You hate him that much, huh?" You say.

"I mean who doesn't? His subordinate is annoying. She follows him around everywhere. And he always gives me such a sinister look every time I walk past him. I fucking hate the dude." You say.

"Understandable. I can't stand him either. He just wants approval from some mackerel who won't ever give it to him." Chuuya replies.

"Wait. Wait. You mean to tell me Akutagawa has a soft side?! As in, he wants approval from a bandage-wasting bastard?! That's laughable!" You say.

"Yeah. It is kinda funny." Chuuya says.

You then went back to eating your food before soon finishing up. Chuuya paid for the meal and the two of you left the restaurant. You headed to a nearby park and sat down on a park bench. Staring at the setting sun. You looked around the park and saw a cherry blossom tree.

"Look! Look! It's a Sakura tree! How beautiful!" You say, fawning over the tree.

"You wanted to see one that badly?" Chuuya says.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" You ask.

"No. No. It's fine." Chuuya says.

"Look. There's a crepe truck. I'm gonna go get one!" You say.

"No. You stay here. I'll go and get them. What do you want?" Chuuya asks.

"Erm (crepe flavour) please." You say.

Chuuya heads off to the truck and orders two crepes. One for you and one for him. He heads back the bench after receiving the order and gives you one. He holds the other one. You both start eating your crepes and you thoroughly enjoyed it. Chuuya noticed and smiled at the occasion.

He never saw you smile before. In the all the moments that he's been with you, he has never once seen you smile.

"You should smile often." Chuuya says.

"Heh? And what's that supposed to mean?" You say, an irk mark on your forehead.

"No. It's just. I've never seen you smile. Ever." Chuuya says.

"Come to think of it, you're right. I don't think I've ever smiled before. Not in over 4 years." You say.

"Yeah. So smile more. There's nothing to be afraid of anymore." Chuuya says.

"Mhm. I don't have to worry about the people who forced me to kill. I don't have to worry about being followed. Because I have you! And I've become stronger too!" You say, causing Chuuya to blush.

"Chuuya? Why are you blushing?" You ask.

"I. I'm not!" He says.

You giggle at the occasion and turn back to face the sky. The sun had already set, revealing the twinkling stars that had littered the moonlit sky.

"Today was fun! We should do this more often!" You beam.

"I mean... only if you want." He mutters.

"Yeah. I do. I enjoyed spending time with you. Chuuya." You say with a smile.

"Same here." Chuuya mutters.

Agony of a lost soul - Chuuya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now