Chapter 15

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Your POV:
It had been over a year since me and Chuuya had become partners. We had our ups and downs. But other than that we worked well together. We always had good end results. We never fucked up. We never faltered. Never made a mistake.

I was finishing up some paperwork Chuuya had asked me to complete. I was working in my own office that I eventually got given. Once I'd finished filling out the paperwork, I sighed and leaned back in the chair. I picked up the paperwork and went into my fridge, grabbing a bottle of wine to celebrate me and Chuuya being partners for a year.

I headed out of my office, locking the door, before heading towards Chuuya's office. I knocked on the door and awaited a response from him. Once he told me I could head in, I did. I placed the paperwork on his desk alongside a bottle of his favourite wine that I had been saving for the perfect opportunity.

"What's the bottle for?" Chuuya asks me.

"To celebrate us being together for a year!" I beam.

"It's been a year already. I'm surprised you haven't left yet." Chuuya says.

It takes me a second to realise what he meant.

"Hey! Did you forget I was at the ADA before I came here? I'd never leave." I say with a smile.

"Oh? And why's that?" Chuuya asks.

"Because I like it here. I like being your partner. I like being with you. Spending time with you." I say.

He blushes slightly at this before rummaging through his drawers.

"Since you bought me the expensive wine. Which by the way I knew you were gonna buy. I bought you this." He says.

He gets out a letter and a box from his desk. He hands them both to me and I open the box first. It was a bracelet. I then open the letter and look inside. It was a letter addressed to me.

I've really enjoyed being your partner for the past year. We've learnt so much about each other.

The other gift I had for you for this day was less of a gift and more a question. God this sounds so stupid.

Will you be my girlfriend?

"Yes!" I say, bounding over to him and hugging him.

He hugged back before parting from the hug and kissing me. Straight on the lips. The kiss lasted a while before we both parted for air.

"Thank you for brightening up my life this last year." I say.

"You too." Chuuya says.

The end.

I hope you guys enjoyed this fanfic.


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