Chaper 10 - Nightmare Come Alive

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Lissy's POV

As I heard the voices grow louder and louder I rushed back into my room and closed the door. I tried to fall back asleep but rolled around hopelessly for What felt like forever. I didn't remember falling asleep but I did remember the horrible dream that came with it.

I was drowning, sinking slowly into the murky depths. I tried to open my mouth to yell but water rushed in and filled my lungs. I thrashed my arms and kicked, trying to find the surface but the more I moved, the faster I sank.

I started getting dizzy from lack of oxygen and my libs were exhausted. I made one final fleeting attempt to save myself before succumbing to the darkness of the water. I reached my hand out a final time and focused on finding the surface instead of the extreme pressure building on my 


"Lissy!" A voice called out to me. It was coming from above the water, and it sounded so close. I stretched out again, actually able to move my body. I saw light streaming through the lightning blue water.

"Help!" I managed to squeak out without the water crushing my lungs.

"Lissy, save me!" The voice cried out. I looked up for a face but only saw a shadow.

"How?" I asked and reached for the shadow.

"Lissy, save me!" It said again. I thought I recognized the voice and strained my eyes for a face to match it.

"Who are you?" I asked, able to speak in the water. Suddenly another shadow appeared behind the first. The second shadow pushed the first into the water with me and I finally got a good look at his face. "Zayn!" I yelled, the water returning to my lungs. "Zayn!" I choked out again as he sunk lower and lower into the water. If I was crying, I wouldn't have known it.

"Lissy, how could you?" The second shadow asked calmly.

"Who are you?" I asked harshly.

"How could you?" It leaned in and I saw a sneer form at the corners of its lips. The closer it leaned I began to recognize some facial features. It was, no it couldn't be, no.

"Liam!" I gasped, swallowing more water as I did so. It was Liam's face, but his facial expression, the look of evil and hatred in his eyes, it couldn't be him.

"How could you," he spat one more time before backing up and disappearing completely.

"No! Liam, don't leave me! Liam, please... Save me!" I cried as I sunk lower and lower into the darkness before I was fully engulfed into it. With a final breath I cried out one more time for Liam, then Zayn, but nobody answered. I was alone, stuck in the darkness to die alone.

"Lissy, Lis it's OK, wake up love." Liam whispered, shaking me slightly.

"No!" I mumbled, still in my dream. "Don't leave me!"

"Nobody's leaving you, I'm right here." I forced my eyes open suddenly and found myself in Liam's arms. "Shhh," he cooed, stoking the back of my hair.

"You, you left me! And, Zayn he... No!" I stuttered out, breathing in heavily Liam's cologne. Liam picked me up bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt so small in his arms as he gently carried me down the stairs and to the couch. He picked up his phone and held it to his ear as if I had interrupted him in the middle of a conversation. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was two am.

Liam's POV

I didn't respond to Zayn, I just sat there with my mobile pressed firmly up against my ear. How was I supposed to respond to learning that another guy, no a guy I thought was my best mate, loved my girlfriend. After a couple very long and very awkward minutes I finally responded.

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