Chapter 9 - The Truth in the Lies

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            I looked up at him, realizing what I had, well what we had just said. He told me he loved me, and I loved him. I really did but as I looked into his eyes, I saw Liam’s hurt expression in my mind making me gasp. I stepped back from our embrace and hung my head.

            “Lissy,” he said reaching out for me. His hand stoked my hair slowly as he looked at me for some response.

            “Hey guys, hurry up!” Louis called from the room over. I sighed knowing our moment was over. As I was about to step out of Zayn’s reach I leaned up and quickly kissed him again.

            “I do love you,” I whispered before taking a deep breath and walking back out into the main room. I felt Zayn move behind me but luckily he didn’t make any move towards me. I found my way over to Liam and sat down next to him, feeling extremely guilty but putting on a brave face.

            “Hey,” I he smiled at me. “Everything alright back there?” he asked pointing between Zayn and the kitchen we were just in.

            “Yeah, yeah he just needed some advice is all,” I lied quickly.

            “That guy does need help,” He said in a joking tone. I coughed out a laugh as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, forcing me to lean on his chest. I could feel Zayn’s eyes on me but I didn’t dare to move or make eye contact.

            “Yeah,” I sighed and closed my eyes, letting the last few moments I had with Zayn travel around my mind until I was pulled into a peaceful sleep.

            “Lissy,” Liam whispered, waking me up in the process.

            “Mmm,” I croaked and opened my eyes to slits. It was almost completely dark outside with only a few lights on inside. I was in Liam’s arms with nobody else around. Was I dreaming?

            “You feel asleep on me, everyone went home about an hour ago.” He answered my unvoiced questions.

            “Why didn’t you move me?” I asked in a quiet voice.

            ‘You were just too cute,” He said and tapped my nose. I yawned which made him smile again.     “Go back to sleep, don’t worry, I’ve got you.”

            “Thank you,” I mumbled. “I love you Za—Liam” I stumbled out and my eyes flew open, looking up at his face to see if he caught my mistake. His face gave away nothing but I leaned up to kiss his cheek softly just for reassurance. He smiled down but his eyes flashed with sadness quickly before they went back to a neutral brown. Shit, he caught that.

            “I love you, too Lissy.” He said dryly and I closed my eyes again, for fear of crying. I didn’t open them until I felt him lay me down on a bed and leave the room. I sat straight up with a cold sweat on the back of my neck. I didn’t know what to do.  I mean he could’ve just been tired and not in the mood for talking. A single tear escaped from the corner of my eye and made its way slowly down my cheek to the corner lips where it lingered before falling to my lap. Other’s followed the first until I was sobbing with the tears still falling silently. I heard Liam moving around downstairs and suddenly my feet were padding out of the room and out into the hallway.

Liam POV

            I laid her down slowly in the bed and swiftly walked out, never looking back. My eyes stung with tears but I brushed them back and headed back down the stairs. She had said Zayn. No, more precisely ‘I love you Zayn.’ I marched over to the wall and punched it, breaking through the thin plaster. My hand hurt like hell but it wasn’t anything compared to how my heart felt. I grabbed my mobile and hit speed-dial 4 – Zayn.

Zayn POV

            I went home and sighed. I couldn’t remember a time when I had ever been so happy. And it was all because of her; the girl I loved since the moment I saw her, the girl who played with my heart strings, the one who was taken, the one who loved me just as much as I loved her. It was all because of Lissy. I didn’t care if Liam was dating her. I mean of course I cared, he was my best mate, but she was the one my soul was meant to be with, I knew it. I didn’t have much time to reminisce in the way her lips felt on mine because my damn mobile rang.

            “Hello?” I snapped into it without looking at who it was. My first mistake.

            “What the fuck Zayn!” Liam yelled though the speakers.

            “Liam?” I asked casually. My second mistake.

            “Tell me what happened between you and Lissy tonight.” He stated plainly and my blood froze over.

            “What do you mean?” I asked innocently. My third mistake.

            “Come on Zayn, I know you two had a thing a while ago. And I know you still have feeling for her. But she’s with me, you have to accept that.” He said coolly.

            “Where are you getting all this from?” I asked harshly.

            “From when Lissy said she loved you.” He said slightly over a whisper.

            “She did,” I asked shocked.

            “Yeah, when I was carrying her up the stairs. She tried to correct herself but I could still tell…” He trailed off.

            “Liam, you know she loves you. She was probably just thinking about something earlier and mixed up her thoughts.” I lied. My heart was racing. Even in her sleep she chose me over Liam. I felt guilty for the warm feeling spreading through my chest.

            “Yeah but after what happened in the summer, you two were so close and I can’t help feeling…” he trailed off again. He was a lot calmer now from the beginning of the phone call, I could only imagine what was running through his mind.

            “I know, but you have to know about that she was just lonely and I caught her off guard. She felt horrible afterwards and told me that she would rather die than hurt you again.” The truth of my words hung in the air for a moment before either of us spoke again.

            “Can I just ask you one thing?” He asked and I nodded, then remembered he couldn’t see me.

            “Yeah, of course.”

            “Do you love her?” he asked and my stomach did a flip. Before I could make up my mind whether or not to lie, my mouth answered for me.

            “I do.”

so yea sry for

a) the 50 year wait for the upload, swim team has really kept me busy

b) 2 all of you hu didn't want me 2 hurt Liam... i think just in general he was hurt

c) not realizing that my fav song by The Fray (well 1 of them anyways) Look After You was covered by the one and only Louis Tomlinson... my friend pointed it out to me when i was humming it! :P SO SORRY!


keep reading! :D and tell me hu ur voting for: Liam and Lissy (Lili) or Zayn and Lissy (Zissy) <3333333

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