Chapter 8 - Trials of the Heart

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            I looked to Zayn desperately. I had narrowly avoided crushing Liam’s heart, along with having an ice cube stuck down my panties for the rest of the day; and he was about to blow it all.

            “Um,” he said looking around at all of us. Suddenly he leaned across the group and kissed Margret right on the mouth, and in front of everyone! The kiss was short but already I felt my heart breaking. I didn’t like him; I just liked the idea that I was his last kiss.

            “What…” Margret said as they ended the kiss. Zayn looked impartial but Margret was as red as her hair.

            ‘The last person I snogged was Margret,” He said proudly, sitting back in his spot with Margret gasping like a fish out of water. It took a lot of self-restraint not to laugh at her expression.

            “I just kissed Zayn Malik; I mean Zayn Malik just kissed me!” She squealed and began bouncing around on her butt.

            “Was I this crazy when I first kissed you?” I leaned over and quietly asked Liam.

            “No, but I knew you were dying on the inside,” he teased and I lightly slapped his arm.

            “Completely,” I leaned in and kissed him softly. “Ohmigod I just kissed Liam Payne!” I squealed quietly which made him snort the way he did whenever he was trying to hide his laughter. I covered my mouth and let out a small giggle.

            “Hey love birds!” Louis yelled at us and we both looked up at him. “Were watching a movie,” He said calmly and smiled sweetly at us before bounding over to the couch with Maggie’s hand in his own.

            “What movie?” I called to him.               

            “Footloose, Aliens, Paranormal Activity 3, or Monsters Inc.” Louis read off the title of the movies he had grabbed.

            “Hey, can I talk to you,” Zayn asked coming up behind me.

            “What!?” I jumped startled then looked back at his serious expression. “Yeah, yeah sure.” I walked off from the group with him towards the kitchen. Once we were out of the other’s sight Zayn violently grabbed my arm and swung me around to face him.

            “What the fuck was that!” I whisper yelled at him as he released my arm.

            “I could ask the same for you! You know I was your last kiss, why didn’t you say it?” he whisper-yelled back at me crossing his arms across his chest.

            “It was a simple kiss Zayn! A stupid kiss anyways, I just did it to make you shut up. And besides, I don’t count a peck on the lips as a snog.” I tried explaining but his eyes gave no hint of letting in.

            “I did, tell me you didn’t want to kiss me then, that it was purely for the purpose of shutting me up.” He wagered and for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

            “Well you knew I was your last kiss! So why’d you go and kiss Margret in front of everyone?” I spat back, crossing my arms as well.

            “Well would you rather I say that I kissed you, you can’t have it both ways!” he yelled and I shushed him quickly, hoping nobody heard us.

            “I,” I opened my mouth to let out a clever retort but I couldn’t come up with one. “Shut up,” I said annoyed that he had bested me.

             “You have to choose.” He said simply.

            “No I don’t,” I defended looking down.

            “How do you think I felt when you out rightly lied to Liam? I only kissed Margret to save your sorry ass!”

            “So, Margret, Faith, and now me? You can’t have it both ways Zayn, you have to choose.” I felt sorta cheap reusing his line but I figured it would stump him like it did me. I want Liam, he was the one I was in love with, but Zayn got my blood boiling. I sighed frustrated and began to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

            “Lissy,” He said drawing my body to his own before he lowered his lips to mine and kissed me. It was nothing like the kiss we had shared earlier that day; this one was hot, passionate and defiantly a snog. Sparks erupted behind my eyelids and my knees became weak. The kiss was over too soon but as I looked into his deep brown eyes, something felt right. I didn’t feel guilty for kissing him like I had earlier, I actually felt bad for Liam for reasons that were unknown to me at the time.

            “This,” He said looking down at me. “Is the only way I want it. Not Faith, not Margret, you.” His breathing was rugged from the kiss which only made his speech hotter. I reached up and slowly dragged his face down to my own, with a hand on either cheek. He had slight stubble from not shaving and it tickled my lips as I brushed them over his.

            “Zayn,” I said quietly with my lips still on his.

            “Yes?” He asked, not breaking lip contact.

            “Why does this feel right?” I asked innocently.

            “Because that’s how it’s supposed to feel,” he responded, kissing me lightly in the process.

            “But I’m dating Liam,” I mentioned quietly, not wanting to ruin the moment by bringing him up.

            “I know, but I know you Lissy, go with what your heart is telling you to do.” He said rationally.

            “It’s telling me to kiss you,” I said honestly.

            “Then kiss me,” He said in a barely audible tone. I leaned in the last few millimeters and closed my eyes, letting the rest of my senses kick in. I kissed him fully, not holding anything back. He kissed me slowly and carefully but I could feel the passion bubbling slowly behind each one. Quickly the kiss turned full snog, with my arms wrapped around his neck and his hands roaming around my back. We pulled back slowly, leaning our foreheads against each other.

            “I love you,” He whispered not breaking eye contact with me. I could see the truth behind his words and in his eyes. I looked back at him and said the words that didn’t need to be voiced, because I was pretty sure he knew.

            “I love you too,”

dawwwwwww! <3 lol so thx every1 for reading and im sry if this update gies u the following symptoms:

Heart ache

Heart break

Fangirling panic attacks


excessive happiness

excessive crying

overall fangirling

wanting to hug One Direction

realzizing that u always want to hug One Direction

voting for Zayn and Lissy (Zissy)

voting for Liam and Lissy (Lissy/Liam) (i realize if u combine ther names, you get the other 1's name! DAWWWW! thats so cute! but if sum1 cud come up with a nickname 4 them it wud help!)


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