Chapter 7 - New Problems, New Fuck Buddies

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Lissy POV

            “Will you two hurry up?” Maggie yelled at Harry and Niall who were trying to push the couch to the side of the room. After breakfast Maggie and I had gone back to our place to shower and change into sweatpants. By the time we had arrived back at Harry and Louis’s all the guys were in a pile on the floor. Apparently Niall had taken Liam’s sandwich and Harry jumped on Niall’s back and Louis and Zayn ended up in the middle somehow. Anyways, I had rushed to the kitchen, feeling like a mid-fifties housewife, and made them all new sandwiches.

            “Hey guys,” Penelope and her friend walked Margret walked in the door. Margret was a part-time model with natural auburn hair that I would die for. She was dressed in a preppy white dress with small flowers making me feel like a slob in my old camp sweats.

            “Hey babe,” Harry got up from pushing the couch and placed a slight kiss on her cheek.

            “Hey, I'm Margret,” Margret came over to us and introduced herself.

            “I’m Lis-” I managed to get out before she held up her finger.

            “I know, your Lissy, Liam’s boyfriend. Personally I think you should be with Zayn. I was like in love when I heard about you two but it never went anywhere did it? Too bad, but he is cute isn’t he!? And you’re Maggie, Harry’s ex, currently with Louis. Why did you break up with Harry anyways? He’s so hot!” she looked at us expectantly but I just sat there with my mouth dangling open. I looked at Maggie and she had the same expression.

            “Well Margret, I think that Lissy and I would make a beautiful love child if we were dating, but sadly her heart belongs to another.” Zayn sighed sat down next to us and I slapped his arm. I knew he was joking but Margret’s expression was too priceless that I didn’t want to break the moment by setting her straight.

            “So what are we talking about?” Niall came over and sat down with us with Louis on his heels.

            “Zayn and Lissy’s love child.” Maggie said simply. Louis bent down and kissed her quickly before sitting down.

            “Mmm,” I nodded. “I think he/she would have his hair but my eyes. I think that would be cute.” I looked back at Margret who looked like her mouth was an open hotel for bugs, or as Maggie would put it, big enough for a squirrel to climb in. That girl was obsessed with squirrels for some reason; I found it weird but Louis called it “endearing”.

            “Maybe we could be ‘Friends with Benefits’?” Zayn joked and looked at me with his tongue out.

            “Fuck Buddies!” Louis screamed making all of us break out into a fit of hysterics except for Margret.

            “I'm sorry Lou, what did you just say?” Liam asked coming out of nowhere and sitting beside me.

            “Sexual partners?” he offered and Liam nodded in contentment.

            “Better, so what brought up ‘sexual partners’?” he asked.

            “Yeah, what did?” Penelope and Harry joined us sitting across from me. “Not that I don’t mind us talking about this,” She wiggled her eyebrows at Harry who gulped.

            “Nothing,” I said quickly and looked down.

            “Liam, did you know your girlfriend’s cheating on you!?” Margret said shell-shocked, making me slap my forehead.

I'm Already Taken (Sequel to I'm Already Torn)Where stories live. Discover now