Chapter 12 - Kiss Me in the Pouring Rain

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Zayn was the first to break off from the kiss and as soon as he did I missed the feeling of his soft pink lips on top of mine. Sighing contently, I looked into his brown eyes and saw nothing other than confusion. He opened his mouth, about to wreck our beautiful moment when the doctor knocked on the door. I composed myself, pretending I hadn't just given Zayn the hottest kiss of my, and probably his life, and nodded for the doctor to enter my room.

"Lindsay McAdams?" He asked and I nodded, moving my eyes from Zayn to the doctor. He was probably in his late forties with salt and pepper hair. "We have a few more tests we'd like to conduct before we clear you to go home." I nodded understandingly. The doctor looked at Zayn, expecting him to speak but from the look on his face, if he did make a noise it would sound a lot like Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks.

"Zayn," I said calmly, looking at him expectantly.

"I hub a blah-rah-nab, Luke’s nub idly..." He stuttered out and I had to hold back a giggle. His confused eyes were still glazed over from the kiss. "When the lamb, err I mean the flare of the magenta..." He said forming words but still none of which made sense. "Barack o'lamma" he exclaimed and covered his mouth, embarrassed. Wordlessly he stood up with his hand still over his mouth, as if afraid more word vomit would spill, walked to the door, and left. I let out a small laugh and rolled my eyes, holding in my self-pride of the moment. I had rendered him speechless, and I intended to never let him forget that, or the kiss.

"Uh, ok like I was saying, we're going to do some simple memory tests to see the state in which your brain is in, but other than that your head is healing quite nicely so you should be able to go home tomorrow night." The doctor said simply. I nodded again, now aware of the numbness my head had. I didn't want to tell him I had gotten my memory back yet, though. For now, that was the only thing Zayn and I shared, so I wanted to keep it that way for as long as I could.

Zayn POV

I had been a wreck in that room, I thought as I walked out and shut the door behind me. My brain was thinking a thousand things at once, and not a single thought made sense! I blamed Lissy, no wait myself, no, both of us. Liam had asked me to watch over her while he went home to get some shut eye. Lissy had almost slept for twenty-four hours! When she woke up her blue eyes seemed clearer, like she suddenly understood everything, which apparently she did. Before I knew what had happened she had been on my lips, kissing me, and I kissed her back. I knew it was wrong but how can something that’s so wrong, feel so right? Finally my mind caught up with my actions and I pulled away, suddenly feeling the cold draft that whispered over my lips, missing the warmth of her breath.

“Wait,” I said sharply. “I'm Zayn, Liam’s your boyfriend.” I clarified for her, remembering her temporary memory loss. She had thought I was her boyfriend earlier, maybe she had forgotten again that I wasn’t. Oh, but it killed me every time, to tell her that she wasn’t mine, she was his. But she belonged to me, my heart told me, and soon enough she would know it. I noticed the necklace that delicately fell between her collar bones and sighed contently under my breath. It was the muffin necklace I had gotten her. I almost laughed when I remembered the reason I bought it.

            “I know,” She said, snapping me out of the memory and back to the object at hand, well, at lips I guess. Her eyes sparked as sudden recognition spread across my face like a mask.

            “You know?” I asked, in an almost unbelieving tone. I was more doubtful of the fact that she wanted to kiss me than that she had her memory back.

            “I remember,” She said shortly before closing the gap between us once again and kissed me deeply, passionately, perfectly. In that moment I knew she was finally mine; completely and fully mine. As I held her small frame in my arms I promised to myself that I would never let anything, or anybody rather hurt her ever again.

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