me and zaria

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So zariathedinokid  I am supper sorry in this chapter because from the shipping thing I uhh made this I guess but please don't kill me and I know this will never happen again I swear and my name you gave me is what you'll call me and also I hope you don't mind that you're a bunny and a fox mixed you have fox ears and a bunny tail and I have cat ears and a wolf tail so I'm a cat mixed with a wolf. The run meme is that I'm the one running and your the one chasing me cuz I do think if we were to meet you would chase me then beat the hell out of me for this one chapter.  Please don't stop being my friend for this!!!!Also I took a screenshot of it.

  Please don't stop being my friend for this!!!!Also I took a screenshot of it

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it's cute ok so don't kill me!!!!!!!!! But any way here.................

Zaria: hey cass

Me:yes zaria

Zaria: I was wondering if I could pet you?

Me:......oh hell no

Zaria: you think I'm gonna give up the easy!

Me: did you forget that I'm a little taller than you!?

Zaria: no I didn't forget,it's that I know a few was to get you to let me touch your ears.

Me: oh crap it's not a good thing when you smile like that.

Zaria: aww are you SCARED!!

Me:yes I'm very scared!!!

Time skip

Zaria: hmmm I've tried multiple ways but still couldn't get to her but dam your fast!

Me: see I told you couldn't touch my ears!!! Now I'mma take a nap.

Zaria: whispers under her breath.

Me: -fast asleep- moves from my back to my side.

Zaria: -quietly walks over to me- sits right in front of me.

Me: -senses zaria- hey don't you dare! Stands up and backs away.

Zaria: -stands up then jumps at me-

Me: can't get me Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! -falls-

Zaria: now I can reach your ears UWU. Plays with my ears.

Me: wait I- purrss~

Zaria:-looks at me- did you just purr!!

Me: N no I didn't!!!

Zaria:do it again please!! Plays with my ears again.

Me: Nooooooooo I don't want to-purrs~ why must you do this to me!! -Purrss~

Zaria: cuz your my cute friend~

Me: I'm your what friend! >\\\\\\\\\\\\\<

Zaria: I said your my cute friend cass~is that a problem?

Me: no not at all. -Actually is a problem but is scared to say something-

Zaria:-touches the top left ear-

Me: - purrss a bit louder then before-  can you not touch that spot.

Zaria:-confused- why all you did was purr louder?

Me:………-smacks hand away-

Zaria:what was that for! That hurt.


Zaria:did I make you upset?


Zaria: oh I'm sorry -gets off and moves far away from me- there is that better?

Me: didn't have to move that far zaria.

Zaria: No I did cuz I made you uncomfortable and upset. -looks down trying not to cry-

Me: aww zaria don't cry -crawls over- please don't cry it's not your fault -hugs-.

Zaria:-hugs while crying a bit- really?

Me:yes it's not your fault, it's mine I slapped your hand without thinking.

Zaria: -still crying a bit- but it's still my fault I touched a spot you didn't like on your head.

Me: -wipes tears- no I've should if said something about my ears! Plus am I really your cute friend?

Zaria: -blushes a bit- yes your my cute friend! And your ears are more fluffier than mine.

Me: -kisses forehead- there now stop being a sad little bean.

Zaria: - blushes harder- I'm not a little bean!!

Me: yes you are!-hugs-

Zaria: - hugs back- cuddles??

Me: of course we can!

Zaria: -smiles- yay

Time skip

The wind picked up and Zaria said she was cold.

Me: here take my hoodie -gives hoodie-

Zaria: -puts it on- it's too big on me!!

Me:-trying not to laugh- well wh-what did you expect,it's not your size.

Zaria: hey! Stop laughing at me!!!!!!

Me:oh stop your whining! I don't want to-

Zaria: - kisses me just to shut me up-

Me: -shocked-

Zaria: -pulls away- sorry!

Me: -falls back- too cute and your a good kisser. -also stops working-

Zaria: uhh I think I broke her. Cass? Cass? Cass? Cass? CASS I'm sorry don't die on me!!!!!

Me: -listens- zaria I'm ok,I'm not dying see -sits up-

Zaria: -hugs me- I'm Sorry!!!!! I wasn't thinking!!! I'm sorry for k-

Me: -licks face-

Zaria: Did you just lick me!?

Me: No I didn't, please don't hit me!

Zaria: -gives me a death stare-  fine I won't hit you! But I can do this- touches my left ear in my sensitive spot.

Me: wait-purrss really loud- stop-purrss even louder- it!

Zaria: heh cute noises cass~

Me: - my dam face is red- zaria please can you-

Zaria: -bites me-

Me: - nooooooooooo please -covers mouth- ha~

Zaria: -heres it- aww that's a cute little noise cass~

Me: - gives up-  you win.………

Zaria: yes I knew you would give up! Any back to our cuddles please?

Me: yes we can go back to our cuddles.

That's it. The end. I'm probably going to die but it was worth it.

Also Zariathedinokid if you want can I add you in a Truth or dare, I'll have my own ship and that with me. You also won't be asked anything in the game.

If you stop being my friend that's ok,it's my fault if you stop being my friend. Bye…………………………I'm ok with this no I'm not okay with this but sorry zariathedinokid.

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