meeting past selfs

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When they all go back to the past. So I going to try my best at this. And there meeting at camp. And they go one by one

Past Dave: Alright it's time to go over some rules.

Past ben: -happy-

Everyone else: -groans-

Past Dave: - going over the rules-

Meanwhile will the future characters.

Future Brooklyn: -filming darius-

Future ben: - walks in- hey Brooklyn-what is Zaria doing?

Future Zaria: sophia found a dinosaur lasers and look at darius.

Future me: -trying not to laugh-

Future ben: - looks at darius- omg- Pfft-

Ok imagine darius chasing a laser that has a dinosaur instead of a red dot, he's like a cat chasing it.

Future Brooklyn: why am I dating this idiot?

Future me: hey ben since you're here I'm going to send you back to the past.

Future ben: wait why?

Future me: well because I'm sending Everyone back one at a time though.

Future:Zaria: not me right?

Future me: yes everyone but me and you. So bye ben.

Ben gets teleported and he lands on past Roxie.

Past Roxie: ow what the-

Everyone but past ben: another Ben!

Past ben: there's another one of me!?

Future ben: ow- oh hey,how you doing -chuckles nervously-

Past ben: so your m-me from what time?

Future ben: I'm you from the future!

Past ben: can you tell us somethings that happen in the future!

Future ben: well not what is going to happen here,but I can once you get off the island.

Past kenji: so we have to deal with too scaredy cats?

Past ben: hey I'm not a scaredy cat kenji!

Future ben: heh says the one who is terrified of one of his friends

Past kenji: what!Im not scared of my friends!

Future ben: yes you-

Brooklyn knocked over ben when she got teleported and she got up and grabbed her phone off the ground. She starts recording.

Future ben: You're obsessed with your phone -he said not surprised-

Future Brooklyn: what do you expect I'm famous on youtube and I'm filming this!

Past Brooklyn: I'm famous!!!!! Ekkkkkkk

Past Darius: That's wasn't a surprise to me-

Past Dave and Roxie: so are we meeting all of you guys from the future?

Future ben: yep

Past kenji: I wonder what I would look like?

Future Brooklyn: - smirking- well ben says your h-

Future ben: shut up!!!!!!! Don't even

Past kenji:I'm what?

Future ben: n-nothing!

Past ben: hey can you tell me?

Future ben: -walks over to him and whispered it in his ear- kenji is really hot in the future,not that he ain't hot right now.

Past ben: -blushes- I-I mean your not wrong he is.

Future ben: exactly!

Past kenji: so I'm something that makes you blush? 

Future ben: well sorta like that.

Past sammy: what am I like!

Future Brooklyn: your still the same,but you are planning my gender reveal party right now.

Everyone then notices Brooklyn's stomach and that she wasn't on her phone.

Past Brooklyn: wait I get pregnant! Well who is it?!

Future Brooklyn: heh his name starts with D and his last name starts with B.

Past Darius: wait I feel like it's me cuz your looking at me-

Future Brooklyn: yep it is you

Past Brooklyn: -blushing-

Past Darius: - stops working- I- -Falls-

Past Brooklyn: -blushing- huh!!??

Past Dave: uhhh

Future ben: anyways I am dating someone,but I won't say who!

Past kenji: -a little jealous-

Future kenji and darius fall out of nowhere and land on each other.

Future kenji and darius: Ewww!

Future kenji: get off dino nerd!

Future darius: I am!!!!

Future kenji: thank you

Past kenji: wow,I did not expect that-

Past sammy: do they fight all the time?

Future Ben: yes,ever since we escaped the island and the Scorpius-Rex-

Past Brooklyn: THE WHAT!

Future Ben: Nothing!

Future sammy: hi! And yazmina get off the ground!

Future yazmina: no-

Future Sammy: please!

Future yazmina: fine! -gets up-

Past sammy: woah,she listens to me!

Past yazmina: why did I listen??

Future yazmina: you don't want to know!

Future me: -trips over a stick- Ow-

Past me: I'm still clumsy!

Future me: at least I'm not pregnant right now!

Past me: wait WHAT?

Future me: shit-

Future Ben: that's a surprise,and LANGUAGE!

Future me: sorry-

Future kenji: -nuzzles Ben-

Future Ben: you tired?

Future kenji: mhm

Future me: I'll send you guys back -sends them back-

Future sammy: -hugs Yasmina-

Future Yasmina: -hugs her back-

Past sammy: so cute!

Past Yasmina: -blushes it's not!

Past Ben: it is,and why did other me go with the other Kenji?

Future me: you'll find out then,sooner or later

Past kenji: ok-

Past Dave: -holding Roxie and mumbles- mine

Past Roxie: yes,I'm yours

Future me: well,it's time to go, before we ruin the future! -sends us all back-

I finally finished this Chapter because I didn't know what else to put. And I'll try to start adding more chapters!!! I have to do my other stories them,bit who cares. I don't know if anyone still reads them. Well anyway I hoped you liked it, because it was weird and all that. Bye!

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