ch.4 with kenji

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Kenji's pov:

I just left the group and I think my breathing pick up more it's hard .... to.... Breath.....and too see ....... every...thing is spinning I need to sit down.

Kenji trips and hits his arm really hard on the ground and let out a small cry. Kenji sits up against a tree and starts to cry even more than before because he just had a flashback to when his dad was beating him for no reason.
  ...... Few minutes later kenji had another one but this time it was about the group.* Flashback* “You need to get rid of sammy and if you don't you will be punished” said kenji's dad. “But why can't let me just be friends with my group I'm going with to  Jurassic Park” said Kenji. “no I will not allow you to because I will not have a gay son.” “So what if I like Ben it doesn't matter if -”*gets slaps really hard* by his dad. “Do not raise your voice at me young man go to your room.” *end of the flashback*

Why is he so mean to me but not my sister zenji  and just because I'm the older sibling she doesn't get treated like I do but she does care about me she does try to stop dad and mom from hitting me so she gets hit sometimes but it's my fault and then I get hit even more.

I think I might have broke my arm but I'll be okay I kind of do deserve it cuz I am just worthless brat that's what my mom and dad always call me a brat and I kind of wish I wasn't even born anymore.

                With Ben and bumpy
“Were are you kenji” *starts crying a little bit* “hey bumpy do you see him?” bumpy shakes her dino head no. “Wait be quite do you hear that bumpy it sounds like kenji but is he's crying? Were is it coming from though,bumpy can you go find him? thanks!”
       Two minutes later bumpy is leading ben to kenji. “Kenji calm down please your not alone anymore please” *See's kenji's arm* “what's wrong with your arm!?”

“I mite have broken it by my fall back there on the ... ground ...with ... those .... big .... rock's..... to an -” “ok kenji I got it but you're still having a panic attack so how can I get it to stop?”

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