Kenji's missing chapter 8

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This idea is from Nagito2000 and thank you for the suggestion 😁. Oh and you might want to go grab a drink and some snacks cuz it is very long it is 1435 words long.

After a long ride on Amber they arrived at this weird place.hey what is this place ben asked kenji and sammy counfued? I have no clue where we are,hey amber -wait where'd did she go!!! Hey ben calm down me and sammy are said Kenji as he hugged him.

Well we can walk around and see if we find cool or something useful.great idea sammy, Don'tcha think ben? Yeah it's a good idea. So ben you go with sammy,and I'll go by myself,and ben I'll be careful I promise. You better stay safe and don't die.

Ben I won't die,but if I do get hurt,can I at least get a kiss. Yes you can kenji. Ok lovebirds can we get to look or are you guys just going to kiss the whole time? Sorry sammy,we'll all meet back up in 10 minutes got you two,Oh and if we don't came back just go to the docks and wait for who ever it is.Yep we got it kenji.

   Kenji's pov: Whoa this is cool,they look like dinosaur's- but there fake, it's still cool though,maybe I can find something for ben and sammy - *gets knocked out*

Mystery person: well he should work for an experiment,cause he's the only person I saw,now I have to carry him* picks him up* wow he's not too heavy,now let's get him back to my secret lab in the tunles before he wakes up.

Ben and sammy's pov: this is so cool - ben hey ben, earth to ben what - whoa that's a big t-rex skeleton,but I thought there were only two t-rexes,amber,and Rexy the original T-Rex. Sammy how is that p p possible if there's only t t two T-Rexes,do you think it could of been the t-rex that the the scientist needs to create the indominus.

It's possible then again I don't know ben,but we should probably head back and see if kenji's waiting for us, it has been a while and it awfully quiet,sammy we should probably head back to the spot cuz Kenji could be waiting for us he has been awful quiet normally when he finds something cool he's really loud about it!!!??

Back at the spot he's not here Ben, Sammy did you check the spot he went into,yes he's not there ben,remember what kenji said then we should head back to the docks and wait for him to come back,yeah we can head back I mean we're not too far Sammy but we could take Amber but I can't get her signal so we'll have to walk we might be able to find kenji along the way*sniffles*
Oh ben don't cry we'll find him hey when we get back to the docks we can ask the others to help us but we'll probably go to sleep cuz it is getting dark out. All right let's go*they start walking*

In mysterious person's lab: Now that he is strapped down on the table, I can put this in him, it's one of my unknown potions cuz I don't know what it does so I'm going to see what it does to him*injections potion*now all I have to do is wait, I mite go take a nap *yawns* I'll lay here for two minutes and no less -😴😴

Nagito pov: finally I got out of that stupid room, but where is Mr. Thomas at,*walks to his room and see him sleeping* whispering,oh he's sleeping so I'll just tiptoe my way out. As she is walking out she sees kenji,wait who is that? He seems to be struggling to get out of the table,what I can't just leave him here I'm going to go help him he doesn't have to go through what I have to. *Walks over to kenji* who are you? Don't worry I'm going to get you off the table. Oh ok thank you.

Kenji's pov: wait were am I I this is not the same room I was in a few minutes ago, all I can really remember is just walking and then getting hit on the back of the head, how did I even end up on a table,*looks around and see the potion almost gone* what the heck, what is that and why is it going into my arm, am I going to die!!!???.
Why is everything so hard to get out of, wait who's that? Who are you? Don't worry I'm going to get you off the table.oh ok thank you.

Thank you for getting me off the table, do you know what was in that bottle. Oh sorry I don't know, but you might have a power, like me. I mite have a what!!!! Hey be quiet he's sleeping,which means we have time to get out and run now come on I know where the exit is. Oh sorry I'll follow you*follows nagito* so what's your, OH I'm kenji and you are? I'm nagito it's nice to meet you kenji.

I think we should fine a spot to sleep for now then pick it up in the morning,hey how good are climbing skills kenji. There really good,so we're climbing a tree. It's the safest place to sleep at night.**both start to clim the tree*. Hey nagito in the morning we're going to the docks. Why though, I mean there is nothing there? Well nagito my friends are there so I would like you to meet them. Oh ok then we'll leave in the morning.

With the group: hey you two were gone for a while,hey sammy what's wrong with Ben? He upset yaz just leave him alone, and that also means you Brooklyn, Darius. Oh ok we get the idea sammy,and wait weres kenji? We got *sniff*separated*sniff* darius. Oh sorry I was just asking ben.

The next morning: nagito yelps,hey why are you screaming for? L l look down kenji,*kenji looks down to see Toro looking at them* oh that's just Toro he is one of my favorite dinosaur,it's ok he won't hurt you just don't make him though. *Kenji starts to clim down the tree* hey what are you doing you could die. See's kenji talking to Toro then Toro leaves them alone. *Nagito comes down* how did you do that? Oh my boyfriend has a power to control all the dinosaurs so that if a dinosaur is around us we can just tell it to leave us alone so that's what I did with Toro. Oh that's so cool so do you still want to go to the docks? Heck yes let's go*a portal opens*whoa how did I do that!!! That's your power,it called teleportation.whoa that cool so should we walk through it? Nagito and kenji walk through the portal to the docks.

The group just woke up: hey guys let's go outside the bumping for a bit I'm pretty sure she'll love it, all - sure ben,ok let's open the vent door. As they all get out they see the portal,guys what is that thing over there ?. Kenji and nagito step out,whoa everything is spinning, I think I'm going to fall,*nagito falls* I'm just dizzy, I guess I'm have to get used to that.

Kenji*ben runs over to kenji which knocks them both down* hey ben don't cry I'm ok, sorry if I scared you. I'm just happy you're okay I was scared to death that you were dead.oh guys meet nagito show going to be our new friend.

A few days later they're all getting along Sammy and nagito are best friends and kenji finally got control over his power but they all decided to stay at island. The reason there saying is cuz Kenji can't make a portal that makes the teleport them home so he's just been teleporting them from place to place.
I'm going to say this again the credit goes to nagito2000 for the idea if you guys have an idea for the next chapter let me know and yes I will be adding another chapter for Dave and Roxie oh and I am so sorry that it's so long I am truly so sorry.

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