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Bumpy fell asleep by kenji since he was alone by the water out of the room.  Kenji's pov I was watching the water go up and down on the ground. All of a sudden I feel tiny warm hands on my shoulder, I peek to see who it is*kenji's mind oh just ben and his adorable cute face wait what am I thinking he would never love me now ):*

Ben's pov I walked over to kenji but he was not answering me so I just started to shake him to get his attention. Kenji, kenji, kenji oh come on kenji *slips* woah careful there benny boy no I mean ben >\\\\\\<.  Ben's head: did he just call me benny boy >\\\\\< oh my gosh why is my face heating up so much. Sorry ben I didn't mean to call you benny boy but are you ok and how did you slip? I I I don't know how I slipped and now my foot hurts can you put me down on the ground so y you can see if I broke it. Yeah hear ben *puts ben down carefully* just tell me when it hurts alright*ben nods his head*  I'm moving my hand slowly and then he yelps ok it's not so bad but I can rap it with a bandage.

Hey kenji what was your question before you told me to be quite? Oh ummm can you follow me I'll help you walk. Thanks*stands and grabs kenji's arm* ok I good to walk and no running right? Yep no running let's go, they walk over to these big cargo containers that are black and said Park supplies.
       Hey Kenji what do you think is in there, I think there mite be food,water, or blankets. I don't know ben but let's find out how to open it up *they look around it when ben sees the handles* hey kenji I see the handle right here. Wow I just passed them two or three times, I'm so dumb that they were right in front of me. Kenji pulls the door open a little bit but enough space to fit through it. Wow that's a lot of stuff to keep all of us a live but we can't carry all of this to the group. The ground begins to shake which made ben scared so he clings to kenji's arm. Then the group noticed that ben and kenji were out side when they saw the dinosaur kenji describe so they went in the room and hid but they didn't know where ben and Kenji were.

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