Chpt 53- All that fight

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I peered over Alyson's shoulder into the brown journal that she claimed was her mom's spell book. Let's not get into how she found it. She was silently staring at this old tattered black and white picture of some woman. I looked at her then the image as she stuffed it back into the spell book. Alyson took a deep breath as I stepped back and focused on the chair on the other side of the room with chains laid at its feet.  We're both convinced that Elena is an impostor and that our real Elena is stashed some where while this evil entity pretending to be her picks us off one by one.

Selena on the other hand thinks we're crazy and that Elena is just going through some sort of phase, I don't think so. Cursing our friend with endless death is not a freaking phase and I've been through a lot of phases and that's not one. It got to Cassidy and hexed her, who knows who she plans to come after next. I think it's me, they always come after me next and I'm not looking forward to it so we're going to kidnap this fake Elena and torture details out of her. Well Alyson and Cassie who just came back to life are the ones doing the torturing, Selena and I will be helping from a distance. "This is crazy, you're all going to see that there's nothing wrong with Elena" Selena says loud enough to capture Alyson and Cassie's attention.

They both turned to look at her as Becky walked into the room carrying some sort of metal tray with weird herbs, branches and as I got closer I noticed that there was also an animal's heart inside. My face expression morphed into one of disgust as I took a step back from her, what a sick person she killed an animal to do her spell. "If you're wondering it's a rabbit" Becky says snapping me out of my thoughts. I became aware of the sick smirk on her face. That poor rabbit, I hope he's in a better place. "What he's contributing to the spell, you're all hoping breaks the hex on Cassidy" Alyson and Cassie halted in their actions, narrowing their eyes at Becky who sighed in frustration.

I texted Elena about fifteen times in the last minute and she hasn't even seen my messages. "Tell her Nathanial is here" I heard Alyson say and as I looked up from my phone I jump back in surprise after realising she was now standing directly in front of me. I'm never going to get used her moving so freaking fast, it creeps me out. Alyson looked at me then the nodded towards the phone, a sign that I should start typing.

"Why would she care if Nathanial is here or not?" Selena asked the question I wanted to. We didn't get a response from Alyson only an unsure shrug. I let my mind wonder as I went to take a seat close to the door when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a message from Elena that said "I'll be right there". I snickered as I read the text, she can't answer our calls or reply to our text but as soon as Nathanial is involved she's on her way. This better not be real Elena because she's in for some painful ass whooping.

I watched Becky as she continued the spell, taking her last ingredient which was Cassie's blood. I internally gagged, why do witches need blood in like every spell. It's down right unsanitary and freaking weird. The door was suddenly pushed open and in walked Nathanial and Mikhail together, looking like Lucifer and Cain. Becky avoided Mikhail's chaotic eyes as he looked right at her with a threatening stare. "Is she on her way?" Nathanial asked, kicking the door close with his leg. I told him yes seeing that he was referring to Elena who's not Elena and then everything was being set into motion. 

So the next thirty minutes came and Becky did her spell, that was a bust. It seemed she did more harm to Cassie than good and Mikhail nearly ripped her throat out, multiple times and I can't say I didn't want him to. So it happened like this, I was still seated at the door thinking and strangely my mind started to wonder with thoughts of Luca who I haven't seen in days. Well since he murdered all those bikers in the bar. He hasn't suddenly popped up like he usually does and has given me space that he's never given me before.

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