Chpt 15- Hunger

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I stumbled through a group of teenagers in the hall. One caught me quickly before I fell and I shoved him off me. Words were coming out of his mouth and all I could hear was his blood pumping through his veins. I felt my fangs coming out and pushed past them. I bolted down the corridor and stopped right at the girls bathroom.

As the doors swung close I threw my head back against it with a sigh. I could hear the faint sound of a beating heart. I stood up straight and walk to where the sound was coming from. Someone was in a closed stall and all I wanted to do was shove the door open and feed off of whoever was inside.

This is not me. I push myself away from the stall and towards the mirror. I glanced at my reflection. My eyes were red, with huge bangs under them and I looked extremely awful. Like really bad. I can't believe this is happening to me. That fucker turned me into a monster.

I pushed back against the wall and hid my face with my hands as I cried. I heard the bathroom stall open and someone walks out. "Are you okay?" Footsteps were coming towards. The girl stopped right at my feet. 

"You should really get away from her" I heard Sandra chuckle. "Seriously don't want her to rail up and attack you. Hunter would be pissed" I looked up from my state on the floor and snarled at the smug look on Sandra's face.

The girl in front of me moved away quickly. She washed her hands and dart pass Sandra. "You don't look so good, Alyson" Sandra says with purse lips. "Are you feeling sick?" She reached her hand out to stroke my cheek and I snap my head back from her touch.

"Don't touch me" I spat, scrunching my face up in disgust.

"Haha" Sandra chuckled. "Come on Alyson, why haven't you fed yet. I know you want to but god you're so fucking innocent!" She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "A little taste Alyson and you'll never be the sick again, you'll never age"

"I'm good" I shoved her back and stood up. "Stay away from me and tell your boyfriend Hunter to fuck off and leave me alone too" I push the bathroom doors open and step outside.

Someone grabbed me from behind  and in a blink of an eye I was in the middle of the woods. I glanced around, trying to see who brought me here. "Why won't you leave me alone, you fucking asshole" I i said figuring out who it was.

"Alyson I'm sorry, okay" I heard Hunters voice but I couldn't see him. I dart through the woods with speed I don't have, only to be slammed against a tree. I growl and tried prying his hands off me. "Stop fighting me"

"You turned me into this thing" I growled and hit his chest. He was sent flying into a tree, a cracking sound was heard before the tree smapped and landed right on top of him.

I gasped in shock and stared down at my hands in disbelief. I heard him groan and soon stood up and brush the dirt off his clothes. "Alyson, sweetheart don't fight me" he says, in a warning tone. "Just let me help you" he steps out of the broken tree limbs and walks towards me.

"This is all your fault" I raise my hand, and out of nowhere a huge wind comes a knocks him off his feet, throwing him away from me. I didn't even do anything but lift my hand. There was this loud thud like he was thrown down.

Hunter reappears in front of me and glared. He was clearly pissed but I didn't care. He turned me into a monster, a blood craving one at that.

"How the hell did you even learn to do that so quickly?" He asks, a small smirk on his lips. He had this proud but surprised look on his face. I balled my hands into fist and growled at him. "Sweetheart I know your angry" Hunter puts his hands up- taking steps back.

He glanced down at the ground before looking back at me. He knew how fucking angry I was and kept darting the swings I was sending his way. "Alyson calm down before you do something you'll regret"

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