Chpt 29- Worse than this

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I asked Hunter to help me control my urges. He had this stupid pleased smile on his face. It's like he knew that I'd come to him at some point. I hated the thought but I can't fight what I have for him, or what's developing. He handed me a blood bag and within seconds there wasn't even a drop of blood inside it. Then I was on my second, and third, fourth and now I'm on the fifth bag. Hunter sat on his bed and stared down at me with a small smile on his face. "What?!" I growled, throwing the empty bag against the wall and it fell beside the others.

"Nothing" he says, shrugging his shoulders slightly. I got up from the floor and use the sleeve on my sweater to wipe my mouth. "Do-" he was suddenly cut off by his door swinging open. Hunter growled and spun around to glare at who came in 

The guy from the woods walked in. His eyes fell on me and he bowed before turning to Hunter again. "Your sister is at it again" he said and Hunter shot up from the bed. He looked at me quickly and followed the guy out.

From what Hunter told me this wasn't his home. Well he owns a lot of them but the castle is where he should be. I know right, castle? Selena's been to their home once but not directly in the castle he said. Something about other vampires not allowing humans there. When at the party I didn't really get a chance to look at the house but I knew it was big.

I walk towards the door after hearing him shouting and the sound of a mocking laugh which was coming from a woman. The door was shoved open and I stepped back before it could hit me in the face. The woman who had her hand on the kbob glanced around the room before her eyes fell on me. "You must be the mate" her lips tugged upwards into a smile.

"I'm Alyson" I muttered.

"I'm his other sister, Katrina" she extends a hand to me and I kindly accept it. She glances out the door after Hunter yells something at her. "Come on Kristoff, I was just introducing myself" her face held a teasing smile.

I looked at my hand after she released it to see blood coating my fingers. Glancing down at her hand, I notice the blood trickling off her. "Who's Kristoff?" I ask, as Hunter walks into the room, shoving past his sister to come towards me. 

"You didn't tell her your real name?" Katrina asks.

"Hunters not your real name?" I questioned, raising a brow at him. He looked at the blood on my fingers before pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes my fingers clean. He shakes his head no. "To think about it you don't look like a Hunter"

His sister bursts out laughing and he shoots her a glare. "Don't you have some poor stranger to go attack and feed off of?" Hunter asks, with a raise brow, annoyance clear in his tone.

"I'll see you around Alyson" Katrina chuckled before slipping out the door. Hunter used his foot to kick it close before tugging me towards his bed.

"I like her" I said referring to his sister. Hunter smiles up at me before shaking his head. He takes my hand in his and intertwines our fingers.

"Well she's trouble" he muttered, bringing our hands up to our eyes. He glances over at me before pressing a kiss to my knuckle. A shiver ran down my spine as he gazes into my eyes and everything just felt right at the moment. "Well all of my siblings are trouble" he adds with a chuckle.


I worked at the school on Saturday's to help clean and pack the library. I have no idea who told Xander because as I pushed the school doors open he was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed over his chest and the usually sexy smirk on his lips. I couldn't help but say that.

We restocked about ten different shelves with help from other kids who volunteered. Xander didn't say anything to me at all and I felt tension coming off him. I glanced around one of the bookshelves and watched as he handed a girl some books. Those look she gave him pissed me off. She scanned his body hungrily before packing the books in there right place. "I hope they fall on you" I muttered, glaring. As those evil words left my mouth all the books came tumbling down but Xander pulled her way before they could.

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