Chpt 64- Something different about her

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Luca refused to talk to me since the incident at the school. He didn't even care about half the school seeing him, in his not so normal form. The whole school is freaked about what they saw but the teachers are saying it's an animal attack. Schools out for almost a week, the library is destroyed and so is the parking lot. It seems Luca and Dylann also clashed their and destroyed the principal's car. I try to explain to him that Dylann forced the kis on me and that it meant nothing to me but he doesn't want to hear any of my words. None of this is my fault, why won't he talk to me about it. He should say one of his crude jokes or tell me to stay away from guys. He doesn't even want me to see him, he doesn't answer my calls and doesn't come over. And even if I see him he pretends to not see me and goes away. On top of all my Luca problems Elena is nowhere to be found and probably freaking out and from the call I got from Cassidy this morning Alyson and Selena were taken by Sophiet.

Is there no such thing as good news anymore. My mom came back home today and surprisingly I was grounded. Well it shouldn't be, she did want me to cut off all ties with Luca. He did not like that but now I think that he wouldn't even mind if we never saw each other again. Why am I losing my mind thinking about this, thinking about him. I grab my pillow, burying my face into it as I screamed, letting out all of my frustrations into it. I am not allowed to leave the house and I can't have visitors. Can't my mom be chill like Mrs. Jones, she actually likes Mikhail even though he is a Lycan hybrid. So species mixed and the Lycan hybrid family was created, get over it please and stop trying to control my life.  I know they are cruel, evil and sadistic and cruel but....I really have no way to make any of it sound better.

I'm tired of trying to hide the fact that even though Luca is evil I want him but then my mind starts reminding me of all the people he hurts. I'm like begging my mind to shut the hell up so I can have a moment with him without it being ruined. I glanced at the door as it opened and my mom peaked her head inside. She's been checking my room like every five minutes to make sure I haven't escaped. "I'm still here" I said, turning my head to glare over my shoulder. "And Elena is still out there all alone and probably scared out of her mind" I added so my mom would be lenient and release my from my prison so I could go help search for my friend. She was dead no more than a week a go, anything could be going through her mind right now. Was she remembering stuff about Nathan and the supernatural world or was she just having like a weird reaction to seeing a Lycan.

I heard my door close and my mom footsteps retreating back down the stairs. She can be so cold sometimes. I sat up, reaching for my phone on the bedside table. Cassie hasn't called and neither has Ruby or Luca. I don't even know what's happening outside of my house right now. I was about to put my phone back when it suddenly started ringing. I grabbed at the ID caller answering quickly when I saw her name. "Elena" I said quietly, waiting for her to respond so I knew she heard me. I heard her breathing on the other end and the sound of her sniffing like she was crying before. "Elena are you there?" I raised my voice a little, moving the phone away from my ear to look at it. I was getting agitated the longer she took to answer me. 

"Could you come get me?" Elena asks, her voice barely even audible. I didn't waste anytime thinking about whether go leave the house or not. Mom could double ground me when I got back. I pulled open my window, glancing at the door to see if my mom was coming. When it was safe I climbed onto the balcony, grabbing onto the pole that stretched all the way from the ground up to my window. I wrapped my legs around it and slid down, jumping onto my feet when I was near the ground. I look through the window of my house and when mom walked pass I took off running from the backyard. I've been walking around in the woods for hours, looking for the cavern Elena said she was hiding in. Should I even call someone, maybe Nathanial but he's not supposed to be anywhere near her.  Maybe Eudora or Steve but if Elena wanted them to come she would've called them, right? 

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