Chpt 46- Problems

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The room was silent other than sound of Xander breathing heavily. He sat to the far corner of the room in an antique chair with red cushions. I was tired of trying to run, he'd just appear in front of the door and block my way. I hate him for doing this, but I should of told him about my mom making us move. He sighed frustratedly, running both his hands over his face as he tilts his head back on the chair. There was a knock on the door before it was slowly opened. He snapped his head towards it as his sister Katrina comes inside. She looks over at me and smiles, soon turning to Xander with a glare. He notices and groans while rolling his eyes in annoyance. "What do you want Katrina?" He asks, without looking at her. He throws his legs on top of the small table in front if him and Katrina walks towards him, purposely using her knees to shove them off. He glares up at her face as he legs drop back on the floor.

"Why did you kidnap the girl?" Katrina asks, crossing her arms. She had a stern look that reminded me of the one my mom gave me when I did something wrong. She moves to stand in front of him, her body blocking his face. "Don't roll your eyes at me" my eyes widen at the loud slap that rang out in the room. "You may be a grown man but I am still your eldest sister who can easily kick your ass"

"You can't kidnap someone that belongs to you" Xander said, his tone was careless. I open my mouth in shock, I don't belong to anyone. As if he heard my thoughts he glanced around Katrina who still stood in front of him so he was staring straight at me. "Sweetheart we both know you do" he winks at me before leaning back into his seat to peer up at Katrina. I huffed angrily and fold my arms over my chest. I need to find away out of here, but he has guards watching the door.

"You do know that her mother is from one of the most powerful lineage of witches" Katrina says and I nodded proudly with a smile on my face. "Which means she coming to get her daughter as soon as she finds out you have her" She turned around abruptly and starts walking towards me. "You also inherited magic from your mom. I suggest you snap his neck and run for you bloody life because he's not going to give you up willingly" I look down at the finger she poked me in the chest with it then into her eyes. Her tone was dead serious.

"Don't tell her that, Katrina" We both turn to look at Xander who threw his legs on the table again. He was now holding a bottle of whiskey to his mouth. "The thought of giving her up wouldn't even cross my mind" he says chuckling and all I wanted to to was punch him. I glared angrily at his face and the bottle which he was barely even holding onto shattered in his hand. A shard of glass immediately embedded it self into his chest and he groaned, looking down as blood soaked his muscle shirt. I jump back in shock and Katrina laughs. "Love, let's not do anymore magic tricks, okay?" he widens his eyes slightly as he pulls the glass from his chest, blood dripping onto his clothes before he throws it at the wall.

"Remember what I said" Katrina says before walking away from me. She flicks a finger at Xander's forehead and he glances up at her with glare. As she opens the door to leave my eyes widen at Clarissa who was leaning on the wall with arms crossed and an obvious smirks on her lips. "Oh, bloody hell" Katrina groaned annoyed and dropped her face in her palm as she wagged her head- clearly not happy about seeing her.


I actually really didn't want to, I couldn't control the urges anymore. I would never do something like this, there was this hunger inside worse than it was ever before. Like if I didn't feed I would die, and I did on a blood bag but it came right back up. I couldn't keep it down. So I ran, as fast as I could soon ending up in the woods. There I saw a couple and attacked them. I pinned the guy to the ground and ripped his throat out, with my teeth. His blood soothing the burning sensation that plagued my throat. His girlfriend screamed for her life as I bared my fangs at her, ready to go for the kill. I fed so hard that I ripped her head clean off with little to no use of strength. Reality of what I just did and became in that moment of hunger dawned on me hard as I dropped her head from my trembling fingers. I stared at my hands that were coated in both their blood and collapsed on my knees, crying with so much sadness and regret. No one should ever go through this, how can someone live with being like this for eternity. I mean I was accepting that I'm no longer human and I did kill someone before at the Halloween party but I felt nothing when doing that. I didn't want to attack these two strangers, I tried forcing myself to stop but I was so hungry. And all I could see was red and all I could hear were the horrific screams, that will haunt me forever and the blood rushing through their veins. I was now huddled against a tree with my knees pressed to my chest as I continued staring at my hands. There was ruffling in the bushes that spread across the ground in front of me before Nathan appeared, staring at me with worry. "What do you want?" I ask, staring up at him as I wiped the tears from my eyes with the back of my hand. His eyes zoom in on the blood on my lips and hand then he turned his head to the side to look at the bodies. Their insides decorated the ground, as I constantly looked at them I felt worse every second.

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