Chpt 55- I hate the woods

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As soon as Elias and Xander left the house I grabbed the maps I threw behind me off the floor. I brushed out the wrinkles and laid it out in front of me, pulling out a notebook from my pocket that contained the tracking spell I wrote. I was going to use one from the internet but what way to make sure it works other than being the one who wrote it. I have no idea that I could read let alone write Latin, perks of being a witch I'm guessing. Taylor, Cassie and Selena joined me in a circle, holding onto each others hand. Cassie reached her hand out th mine and I glanced down at it for a moment, contemplating whether I should do this spell or not.

I do want to be turned back into human but will it even work, there is no guarantee that the spell will lead me right to the little girl. I lifted my hand and placed it into Cassie's, the light from the two candles placed in the middle of the room illuminating the dark corners. This weird shock radiated through my body and passed through my hands, travelling to Cassie and the other girls. Our hands began to glow a yellow light as if some how we captured the light of the sun in our grasp. "I'm not trusting what's happening here right now so could you like start chanting...please" Taylor says with a forced chuckle as she glanced down at our hands that continued to glow. Strangely something about it all felt right, you know like it was meant to be happening, if that makes any sense.

I grabbed the small knife I had behind me, lifting it up so the girls could now see it. "So who's going to be bleeding?" I said making my tone seem enthusiastic, hiding the anxiety I felt behind it. I think it sounded less creepier in my head a minute a go before I said it. It was a necessary ingredient in the spell, blood but not just any a human and a vampire seeing that the person we are trying to find is both. Cassie is a werewolf so she's out and Selena is a witch so that only leaves....I turn to Taylor with a bright smile. "You're the only human blooded being here, so" I stretch the hand holding the knife towards here.

"The things I do for you people" Taylor says rolling her eyes in annoyance as she laid her hand into my palm. I opened her hand, sliding the blade across her flesh as she gave me the go ahead. She hissed slightly as droplets of blood felt unto the map and I sliced into my own palm. Our blood mixed creating a trail along the map as I started chanting, placing my hand with Cassie's again. The glowing yellow light came back, lighting the whole room as the candles were blown out by the rush of air entering the window that flew open almost immediately as the spell started. When I stopped chanting  and the room fell in to deathly silence we all glanced down at the map the same time. The blood covered the location of a clearing in the woods. Nothing was there, everyone knew that was a dead end.

"Let's go check it out" I said as I stood up from the floor. I glanced down at my palm as I felt the wound slowly starting to close up. It was better to go check it out than not doing anything. What if we do find that little girl what am I going to do just be like 'hey my names Alyson and I heard your blood has the ability to cure supernatural creatures and I'm wondering if I could get a bite'. So many people must be looking for her, is she even safe where she is now. The car came to an abrupt stop at the clearing, it was so dark out that I could barely see anything if it wasn't for the headlights. I walked back to the car, leaning over the window to grab the flashlight on the dashboard.

"Cool, I have night vision" Cassie says with a smile while glancing around the woods, her eyes glistening in the night light. I shake my head at her, chuckling. "We should stay together incase finding this girl is not as easy as it seems" I nodded agreeingly to what Cassie said. We started to walk off into the clearing, disappearing into the thick trees that surrounded us on each side.

"I hate the woods" Selena murmured, swatting bugs away from her face as she stumbled towards us. I ignored her and sighed, focusing the light on the path in front of us. Suddenly I heard Selena scream, sound of sticks snapping as there was a loud thud that woke the birds. I turn my attention behind me, following Cassie's line of sight to the end of the cliff where Selena sat covered in twigs and leaves. I couldn't help it, we all burst out laughing at Selena who pursed her lips in an angry pout. "This is not funny, help me back up" She walked towards the edge to climb but instead slipped and fell. I got down on my knees, reaching my hand towards her when all of a sudden there was a loud growl.

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