Chpt 25- Jealous

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My friend Tasha dragged me to the bleachers so we could watch a bunch of sweaty guys practice soccer. I wasn't planning on coming out here but she wanted to so she could see one person in particular she said. I still don't know who it was anyways. She asked why I wasn't suspended for hitting Jenna. Mr. Payne probably dealt with it because I'm his favourite or because Steve and him are friends. Does this guy know

There were a bunch of other girls out here on the bleachers too, who were practically drooling over the guys. Xander, Nathan and Mikhail were practicing and all were shirtless and I swear I saw on of the girls faint.

I didn't want to be seen by anyone. So I continued ducking and hiding my face. Tasha snaked her arm around mine and dug her nails into my skin as the guys passed near us. My hand slid off my face and u groaned.

She let out a loud squeal and I roll my eyes at her. This is not what I want to be doing. Although I don't want to be out here I couldn't help but glance down at Nathan's chest every few minutes. He was so hot, sweat trickling down his chest and all the way down his six pack.

My mouth was literally watering. Ew! Get those thoughts out of your head. I slap myself upside the head and wiped my mouth with my shirt sleeve. Nathan's eyes fell on me and he shot me a smile. His perfect clear white teeth glistening. "Oh my god!" Tasha screamed and grabbed my shoulders. "He smiled at me" her glad bag probably burst as she shook me violently.

"Please" the words vibrate out my mouth as my body  shook at how fast she was shaking me. Tasha continued squealing in excitement over a freaking smile he was sending at me. Although I won't tell her that because she'd think I'm jealous.

I don't get jealous, ever!

"Stop that!" I screamed and ripped her hands off my shoulder. Seriously? I sighed frustratedly and crossed my arms, focusing my attention on the field again.

"Oh come on Elena you can't think that the Dahil brothers are not freakishly, unbelievably, undeniably" Tasha continued on with her ly words and I roll my eyes yet again. "Hot!" She yelled and everyone's attention turn to us and I hid my face with my hand.

She's drawing attention to me. Nathan smirked and passes the ball to one of teammates before running pass our seat again. "Oh my god, I'm so totally gonna ask him out" that caught my attention and I snap my eyes up to Tasha who was bluntly eyeing Nathan with hunger.

He's the one she wanted to come see. I shifted on the seats so I could face her. "I hear he has a girlfriend" I chirp up and Tasha looks at me.

"Where did you hear that?" She demands.

"Tasha guys like the Dahil's always have some kind of rich pretty blond girlfriend somewhere" I said and she pouted sadly. Tasha huffs and drops her face in her palm and watches the field sadly. "I'm not saying that you're not pretty but I'm your friend and I don't want you to get your hopes up or something" I bit down on my lips and stared out at the field.

Okay, I know Nathan doesn't have a girlfriend but I'm not sure. I just don't want Tasha to be hurt by him. Him and all his brothers look like the player type that would hurt her but some part of me believed that Nathan wasn't like that. It's not because I'd be jealous if she goes out with him, I'm just worried. And what if he doesn't say yes.

Tasha stayed quiet through the rest of the practice. I got up to leave but Tasha still sat there and stared at the field. I did feel bad about lying to her but she'll be back to old Tasha in no time and will probably have a new guy to fan girl over, not Nathan Dahil.

"I'll see you later" I told her. I draped my bag over my shoulder and walked up the steps. As I neared the last one something pulled me to look back. When I turned around I saw Tasha and Nathan both smiling with each other. Did she still ask him out after I told her not to.

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