Chpt 4- Invitation

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I grabbed my bag off the tiled floor and bolted for the door. I needed to be the first one out of this class. I have no idea why that guy was staring at me so weirdly. It's freaking me out now. The hot guy I bumped into a week ago when he just got here. He's so weird but hot.

As I stepped outside the door someone collided with me. We both shuffled back and I clutched my head in pain. I heard the person groan and I look at them curiously.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snap as I recognized the person who bumped into me to be Elena. She glanced behind her frantically then over my shoulder. "What?" I chuckled at the terrified look on her face. I love those looks.

"Something weird just happened" she said, folding her arms over her chest. She looked over her shoulder quickly then back at me. I urged her to continue. "I bumped into this guy who called me his 'mate' then attacked me" Elena was looking around as if she was trying to spot someone.

Wait, did she say attack? "Who attacked you?" My eyes widened in shock and I scanned over her body for any injuries. "Did he hurt you?" I demand.

Elena shook her head, "he didn't attack me to like hurt me" she whispers and I raise my brow in confusion. "He was trying to hug and sniff me, if that even makes sense" she says as if she was trying to process it all for herself.

"Sniff you?" I ask, trying to sound serious but I just wanted to burst out laughing. "Why would a guy attack you, to sniff you?" I stifled a laugh. "Oh maybe he was checking if you been with another guy" I teased.

She glared at me, "this is not funny" I shake my head while laughing. "Aren't you the one who should be focused on apologising to Selena" I shut my mouth immediately.

"I'm not apologising" I said, scoffing. I didn't do anything. The classroom door opened and the kids started spurring outside. I took Elena's hand and pulled her on the other side of the hall with me.

"You feel like you did nothing wrong" Elena says, shaking her head at me. "Well you did" I groaned and rolled my eyes as shouted. "You guys are so awful"

"Look who's talking" I chuckled at her. I felt like there was someone watching us. I looked around until my eyes landed on one of the new guys. He was watching us...Elena.

"Don't look now but there's a guy watching you" I said looking down at her before the creepy guy again. Maybe he was frozen in place because he didn't move and I swear he didn't blink either.

"What?" Elena questions and I turn my attention back to her. She spun around against my instructions and looks around the hall. The guy was nowhere to be seen.

"This is not funny, Cassie" her voice held a scolding tone. She crossed her arms and glared. He was really right there watching her.

These guys are really starting to freak me out.


I sat down at the table in complete silence. Sandra and the other girls started up a conversation about a party. I pulled my phone out and started skimming through it to find something interesting to do.

I suddenly felt eyes on me and I glance over my phone to see Hunter Dahil staring at me and something just kinda clicked. He caught my gaze and quickly looked away and continued talking with a friend that sat at his table. Everyone who's close to the Dahil's here are a little weird and out of it just like they are.

All of their friends just surround them like they're royalty or something.

The cafeteria doors opened, Taylor and Selena walking in immediately. They took a seat together and quickly noticed me. I waved at them and Selena smiled before going back to converse with Taylor.

I plugged my earphones into my phone and stuffed them into my ear while scanning through my selection of music. I stopped skimming through when I spotted one of my favourite songs. Issues by Julia Micheals.

I still felt eyes on me and I glance up quickly to see Hunter, his eyes boring into mine. This time he didn't look away. All the kids at the table with him turn to look at me.

I looked down but something pulled me to look at him again. I almost had a heart attack when I spotted the blood red eyes and the elongated fangs. What the...

I dropped my phone, my earphones ripping out of my ear when it fell on the floor face down. The whole cafeteria went silent and everyone turned to look at me.

"Are you okay?" Sandra asks, resting a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and jumped back from her. She retracted her hand.

"I'm sorry" I cleared my throat and picked my phone off the floor quickly. "Sorry" my phone had a small crack from the touch button straight up to the speaker. Shit!

I peered back over at their table and I sighed a breath of relief when I saw nothing but normal teenagers laughing and joking. Hunter rested his hand on the table and waved at me, a small smile on his face.

I turned away still freaked out by him. That guy is so weird. And what the hell did I just see.

The bell rang suddenly breaking the silence in the cafeteria. I wrapped my earphone around my phone before stuffing it into my pocket. I got up from the table and followed the girls out.

Taylor gave me a curious look and pointed back to the table and I just shrugged. "Are you okay, Alyson" Ruby asks, resting her hand on my shoulder as she stepped closer to me.

Ruby was one of the real girls here. She was nice and caring. Both her and Selena would get along. "Yeah, yeah" I nodded solemnly as if I was trying to convince myself that I am. "I'm fine"

"You kind of freaked out a few minutes ago" she says slowly. I looked at her and shook my head, not bothering to say or explain anything. "Are you sure, you're fine"

"Hmm" I nodded again and shot her a smile.

"Hey" someone called and then a felt a hand around my wrist. It tightened a little and I stopped walking.

It was a guy from Hunters table. He smiled at me and I look down at his hand on my wrist. I pull my hand away from his and hid it behind my back. "You're Alyson, right?" He asks, the smile never leaving his face.


"Yeah" I nodded slowly.

"I'm a friend of Hunters" he says. "He wanted me to invite you and your friends to a party at his house tonight"

Say no. My mind shouted at me. "I can-" I was suddenly cut off by an over happy voice.

"Tell him thanks for the invitation and that we'll see him tonight" Sandra says, smiling. I turn my attention to her and glared.

"Why did you do that?" I ask as the guy leaves.

"You were going to decline and he said invite your friends" Sandra says. She turns to the girls and they all start giggling and behaving like fucking mad women.

I rolled my eyes and walked away from them. My head hurts and I can't deal with this shit.

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