Chpt 47- Cure

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I ignored the calls from the girls, I wasn't in the mood to talk with anyone, so I put my phone on aeroplane mode. Now I know I wasn't supposed to be at the bar, I know I wasn't supposed to even step through the door because I'm sixteen and underage but I just needed a drink to get my mind off all the shit in my life. I had one, then a couple more, then a couple more and now I can barely stand. I don't even know why the bartender guy didn't ask my age, he just handed me drink after drink. I gripped the table, to stop myself from tumbling over. The bartender peered over at me curiously as I chuckled and continued to sway before pulling myself up so I could sit on the stool. The bartender chuckled at me and went to get his phone from the back. He glanced from the screen a few times to look at me before going back to type.

"You know what I hate the most?" I ask, propping an elbow down on the table, pressing my folded fist to my cheek as I stared up at the bartender. He shakes his head no, an amused look on his face. "Assholes" I pointed a finger towards him and threw my head back as I groaned frustratedly. "They're just..." I fell into silence with a wondering look on my face as I tried thinking about what to say next.

My mind was blank and fuzzy, it was also pretty obvious I was shit faced drunk. The bartenders raises a brow at me in questioning and laid his elbow down on the table to leans closer. "They're asses" I merely roll my eyes when suddenly Mikhail face pops up in my mind. I hate him, and his brothers. Well, I hate all of them.

"Mikhail's on his way to pick you up" The bartender guy informs before going to the other side of the counter when a guy walks up to the table to order a beer.  I groaned in frustration, do they know everyone in this fucking town. Maybe he's a vampire too, or werewolf shit maybe everyone in this bar is one.

I push off my seat and stumbled my way to the door, a few of the guys catching me before I collided with the hard ground. I shove them off when most hands started to wonder, fucking assholes. "Cassie" I turn around as the bartender guy calls my name. I fan him off carelessly and put my hand on the glass door to push it open. As I stepped outside I was given the most of awful gift ever, the sight of Mikhail as I turned my head to the side. He was leaning on the wall, with his arms crossed over his chest, his tight muscles taking over my sight.

I hate to admit it but he's so hot. "What do you want?" I ask, swinging my purse in his direction. I started walking away from him, barely even able to stand. My legs were wobbling and twisting in all directions and I wonder why I didn't break my ankles. Mikhail chuckled and appeared in front of me, slipping his hands under my knees to pick me up before I fell. "I hate you for being so perfect" I pouted sadly and poked him in his jaw with my pinky. The side of his lips curled up in a smile and I don't know why I did it but I leaned forward and press my lips to the corner of his mouth. He stopped walking, staring at me for a moment before speeding down the road like he was the fucking flash. We were now in my house, it was obvious no one was here. Mikhail had hands on my hip as he pulled me from his body and placed me down on my feet. When he removed them I started wobbling again and he quickly pulled me to his chest, chuckling against my skin. "I think I'm going to be sick" I flung a hand over my mouth as the bile started up my throat.

Mikhail quickly rushed to the bathroom, helping me down on my knees as I bent down in front of the toilet. He pulled my hair out of the way as everything started coming right back up. "It's okay love?" He whispered, rubbing a hand on my back. I scrunch my face up in disgust at the taste in my mouth and pulled the strand of hair that caught in my nonstop puking and moved it away from my face.

"I stink" I said as he helped me from in front of the toilet, flushing down the vomit. I stumbled over to the face basin, flipping on the water and applied toothpaste to my brush, carefully brushing my teeth and getting rid of the awful taste. "I need a shower" I removed his hands from my waist and gripped the end of my shirt before pulling it off. I heard him let out a breath and when my shirt was fully off, noticed his hands covering his eyes. "I need help" I tried countless number of times to get the button on my jeans open but it's like it was stuck. Mikhail took a deep breath before removing his hands from his eyes. They darkened as he scanned me over. He looked away quickly and started fumbling with the button of my jeans, while staring into my eyes. He quickly discarded of them immediately as soon as they were down my legs then started taking his own clothes off.  "You're so hot" I bit down on my lip, trailing a finger over his abs which made him shudder from my touch.

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