Chpt 39- Insane

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I sat at the bar with a glass of vodka in my hands. I could feel Mikhail's eyes on me and it was really starting to annoy me. I wasn't going to talk to him, after what he said yesterday about grave. My dad was right, he's a monster who doesn't care about who he hurts. I felt him dart pass me and exit the room while growling angrily. He must of read my thoughts again. The bartender guy handed me another glass full of vodka, probably sensing my mood. I heard the sound of metal dragging against the floor and I turn my head to the side to glance at the guy who just sat down beside me. He smiled and called the bartender guy over who handed him a beer. "You look upset love" he says, plopping his elbow down on the table and rests his face in his palm.  Another English guy, I groan inside my head. I ignored him and the looks he was sending my way and continued to drink in silence. "I love your costume" they way his eyes scanned over my body with lust made me want to gag. It disgusted me.

I roll my eyes in annoyance but then glared down at his hand as he grabbed my wrist, making me look up. And he smirked. "Let go-" I suddenly stop taking as he commanded me to and stared into his dilating pupils. I was unmoving, my body was frozen place like I was under some kind of control.

"Come with me love" he says, pulling me up from the seat. My body obeyed his command and my legs moved with his as he began walking to god knows where. He dragged me behind him, hurrying down the hall. As we turned the corner one of the doors opened and I was met with sight of a feeding vampire. He removes his mouth from the lifeless girls neck and glances up at us with blood trickling down the side of his mouth.

I was completely blank, I had no control over me. The guy who gripped my hand stops at the last door down the hall and pushes it open before pulling me inside. My body was slammed against the now close door and he wraps a hand around my throat, dropping his mouth to my neck.  I grimaced at the feeling of his lips on my skin but couldn't do anything about it. His teeth scraped against my neck as his fingers squeeze the side of my throat. A pain scream slip past my lips as his teeth punctured my skin and rips into my throat. I forced my hand to his shoulder and tried punching and shoving him away but it was no use. "You taste amazing love" he chuckled at me, and use his tongue to clean my blood off his top lip. I stared at the fangs that popped out of his mouth again with fear. I couldn't move my legs to even run from him, I was trapped.

He placed a hand on either side of the wall, caving me in. I hissed as he grabs my hair and yanks my head to the side, ready to bite into my neck again when he was dragged away from me. My head dropped and I panted heavily, staring at the drops of my blood on the floor. I turn towards to the door, but there wasn't any.

I didn't even hear when it was ripped from the hinges. I stepped over the door that was in my pathway. "I told you no ones feeding tonight" I heard Mikhail growl and stumble my way to the doorway. I put a hand on the wall to balance myself and peered around the corner. Mikhail had the guy who was just feeding from me pinned to the wall by his throat. His legs dangled off the ground.

"How dare you put your filthy hands on my mate!" Mikhail ripped his mouth open, his huge fangs popping out. They were like freaking bear sized. The guy knew what was about to come next and started begging for his life. But Mikhail wasn't hearing it, his fangs ripped into the guys throat as his free hand broke into his chest and his screams filled the hallway. I'm sure no one heard him because of the loud music.

I watched as he reared his hand back, pulling the guys heart out from his chest, which caused the guy to take his last slow breath. From his elbow down to his finger tips were covered in the guys blood, drops of it fell on his leather shoes and I hear him groan. His fingers slacken around his heart same time as it did around his throat. The dead guys knees hit the ground before Mikhail uses his foot to kick him over. He threw his heart at him and whirled around quickly. His eyes widen slightly as he notices me. "I have to be policing you non-stop love cause you won't stop ending up in danger" he chuckled, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket. He uses it to wipe the blood from his hands before throwing it at the dead guy. "Clean this shit up, I don't want any of our guest seeing it" His eyes narrowed over my shoulder and I turn my body to see a man. He bowed his head respectfully and rushes towards the dead guy.

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