Chpt 61- Exposed Lycans

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Kids from the hall turned to look at me as I walked out of class, the strap of my bag tight in my grasp. They started to whisper about me, some spoke even loudly so I could hear what they thought of me. Basically to summarise everything they said would be that I was a tramp who pretends to be kind and innocent and also that I seduced Luca into dating me. Wait, why would people think that I'm dating Luca. Well he hasn't left me alone by myself ever, he buys me lunch and carries my books even when I tell him not too. He even flirts openly with me in public and it's getting unbearable. I was already not popular with the kids here, they hated me because to them I seemed like a miss goody too shoe, now I'm supposedly dating one of the most popular guys in school.

I know he's spending more time with me and trying to get back on my good graces because of constantly doing things to make me get upset with him. I do feel something for him, there's no doubt but I still don't understand it and maybe it could just be the mate bond. If we weren't mates maybe I'd actually hate him but still find him incredibly attractive because who doesn't. I just really don't like the attention, where gonna talk about him making people believe that we're dating. I sighed, hurrying towards my locker to escape the unwanted attention. I was the only one here, Cassie had something with Mikhail, Selena had to stay home because of her mom and aunt. All our parents found out about what happened with Elena, her death and resurrection. It wasn't a shocker that they also blamed the Lycans, well a small part of me did too. I know that I should just accept that Luca and I are bound together for eternity by our stupid mate bond but being with him will continuously put my life in danger.

It will put all our lives in danger, Cole is missing for christ sakes and Ruby is terrified to even leave her house. People think that he's dead but if he is, wouldn't Nicolletta know or something, like how Nathanial could feel that something was wrong with Elena. Speaking of Elena she's slowly adjusting back to being alive even though she has no idea she did die and it was death who brought her back for the price of her mate never seeing her again. These are things we're trying our best to keep a secret, her parents are already a mess with Eudora ceiling off her magic so she doesn't ever find about being a witch and Steve has no idea what to do with the possibility of her shifting on her sixteenth birthday. I shut my locker door close, jerking in surprise when Oliver's face suddenly pops up in my view. He chuckled as I placed a hand over my racing heart, trying to even out my breathing.

He scared the living daylights out of me. My heartbeat returned to normal and I looked up at him as he continued to smile. Why was he here, I haven't seen him around in school for a while. "It's nice to finally get you alone Mrs. Lleyton" Oliver smirked, burying one hand into the pocket of his jeans as he strolled closer, leaning his shoulder back against my locker door. Why did he want to get me alone and why is he smiling so creepily. I scanned the halls, taking my attention off Oliver to see if I spot that jealous wolf anywhere. I did not want to see how he'd react if he saw me and my ex-boyfriend talking. Like it was now a basic instinct I glance behind me when I felt his presence. Luca gripped the strap of his bag tightly till his fist turned white.

I could actually hear his teeth grinding together as he growled threateningly. "Why would you need my girlfriend alone with you?" Luca asks with a brow quirk as he slid his free hand around my waist and yanked me back into his chest. I struggled against him, glaring up at his face when he wouldn't let me go. What was his problem, I did not need or want to be in this kind of drama. He didn't give Oliver a time to speak and continued on like he wasn't important enough to have the chance to respond. "Clearly you're not competent enough to know that she's over you and madly in love with me" I felt my eyes widen slightly at his words. I wouldn't say madly in love, actually I wouldn't really use the word love. With his finishing words, he turned me in the direction of my next class as he removed his hand from my waist and flung it around my shoulder.

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