| The In-Laws |

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         I LACED my shaky hands together placing them on my lap looking at the familiar gates to a house I dreaded going because I knew no one really wanted me there

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         I LACED my shaky hands together placing them on my lap looking at the familiar gates to a house I dreaded going because I knew no one really wanted me there.

I tucked my lips in my mouth looking over to Zaheer who was on the phone busy typing on his phone.

"Is Anisah back?" I asked him about his sister as he looked up at me before shaking his head going back to what he was doing which had his attention.

"Something came up. She's staying for another six months." He replied and I nodded in response, internally pouting before looking ahead to see one of the workers rushing out to open the gates.

He successfully opened the gate as Zaheer locked his phone placing it in the cupholder taking his attention back to the road. He was looking good today wearing a white kaftan, a cap to go with it and black Hermeś slides to go with it.

I hated how I still found him attractive after what he's doing but I just couldn't help to look over to him once again and appreciate how good he looked.

He parked the car in the driveway instantly hitting the locks. I opened the car opening the backseat picking up Jamal placing him on my hip closing back the door.

I followed him into the house noticing it was renovated leaving the roof of the house to be glass making the house extra bright which I loved.

I gawked at the beautiful flower which had grown beautifully noting to myself to ask anisah about it later. I felt a hand on my lower back making me snap back to reality as Zaheer nodded his head towards the living room where his mother was sitting on a white sofa cutting her nails.

Before we could make another step, a loud squeal was heard as Humairah, his younger sister who was twenty two rushing to him bumping into me on thr process jumping in his arms.

Zaheer were a total of seven in his family. Ameera was the first burn who was thirty five with two kids. Ghaffar and Aisha. Then there's Ibrahim who's thirty five, married to Ramla who's thirty.

Then there's Zaheer who's twenty nine, then anisah that I'm older than with a year whoms twenty five then the last who's humaira.

All of them don't like me except Anisah and Ibrahim. But everyone in the family including my husband doesn't like me. His mom and Ameera were the worst to me.

Humaira just does petty things like bumping into me like now, rolls her eyes or catches an attitude whenever I was around.

I looked down for a moment pressing my lips together already wanting this day to end. "How have you been?" He asked pulling away looking down at her with a soft smile. His eyes twinkling in admiration of his to in her sibling. The softness in his eyes is foreign to me.

"Good. Mah said she would let me get an upgrade if you said yes." She replied nodding her head towards the living room where her mother sat.

"Humaira, you know I'm not the only person here, right?" He asked raising an eyebrow. She slightly rolled her eyes turning to me acting like I gave a flying fuck if she greeted me or not.

"How have you been?" She greeted snobbishly, her eyes sweeping over my appearance from head to toe. I smiled licking my lips before nodding not bothering to notice nor return her gesture.

"Good. How's your studies?" I replied plastering a tight smile on my face before pinning my attention to Zaheer, the smile wiping off my face and he nodded walking towards the living room whilst I silently followed behind him.

He pushed the door open greeting his mother making his way towards the balcony to check on his grandmother.

The older familiar lady looked up at me with a mug on her face whilst I tried as much as possible to supress my emotions. "Inawuni mama. [Good afternoon mother]." I greeted bending a bit to reduce my height causing Jamal to shift a bit.

She ignored my greeting and presence resuming her knitting quietly. I stood straight feeling lost, debating whether I should go take a seat risking the woman cussing me out or stay standing.

The door opened as Zaheer stepped into the room immediately furrowing his eyebrows noticing me standing whilst his mother knitted in complete silence.

He sighed waking over to me pulling my arm soflty to stand straight. He said nothing as he pulled me with him to the sofa taking a seat beside each other with Jamal on my lap.

Zaheer settled down on the loveseat beside her lowering his head as they spoke lowly to themselves. I looked down at Jamal who's focus was on the tv which was playing Ramy.

I smiled wondering why he looked so engrossed when he didn't understand a word they were saying. "He's supposed to be medically dead." boomed from the tv as I chuckled lowly picking up Jamal's smaller hands in mine noting to cut his nails later.

My name was called making my me head snap in their direction to see their eyes on me. "I'm sorry. I wasn't listening." I let out sitting up carefully.

"I asked if you had space in your refrigerator." She asked. I was taken aback by the question because who the hell asks for your refrigerator's status?

"Yes. There is." I replied looking at her some type of way whilst Zaheer sat with a blank expression looking at his mother waiting for her to go on.

"Good." She smiled before calling out a name.

A petite girl came into the kitchen in her uniform that she made for her workers. "Yes ma." She bowed as a greeting to both me and Zaheer before turning her attention to her.

"Take the food I told you to prepare to the car." She mumbled before turning to me almost daring me to say something.

Zaheer hung his head low looking at his mother's direction so I couldn't see his face to see his expression. "Food?" I asked raising a brow.

"Yes. Is there a problem?" She arched a brow daring me to talk. I tilted my head to the side appearing confused but I was rather speechless. Zaheer raised his eyes to meet his mother, a stern expression on his face, parting his lips to speak but I cut him off soon after.

"No it's all right." I interjected, my eyes flitting to Zaheer's only to meet his before pinning it on his mother's. Zaheer rubbed his hands together before standing to his feet.

"Mah, we'll be going now. It's getting late." He announced looking over to me as I sighed in relief knowing I was seconds away from killing this old hag.

"So? You could get back a bit later than usual." She replied with a laugh furrowing her brows; as if what Zaheer was saying was absurd.

"There's been a lot of robberies going on. It's best we prevent it." He explaned before leaning down to hug her. I followed him out of the house in silence asking myself how I found myself in this position.

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