| Surprise Visit |

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KHALIL glanced up at the unfamiliar building with a blank face before looking behind him at Khadija who was holding onto his wheelchair and grinned at him as soon as she realized he was staring at her

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KHALIL glanced up at the unfamiliar building with a blank face before looking behind him at Khadija who was holding onto his wheelchair and grinned at him as soon as she realized he was staring at her.

"How will talking about stuff help me start walking?" Khalil scrunched his face, showing he was clearly not with the idea of therapy. He had an accident and he might not be able to walk for the rest of his life. How is talking to people in the same situation going to help?

Khadija sighed pinning her eyes to the floor before she started to push him into the building, her thoughts consuming her not leaving her any space to offer Khalil some comfort.

"You never know unless you try Khalil. At least attend for a month and if you don't like the idea, we'll just stick to the hospital's therapy. It just gives better results." Khadija reasoned earning a nod from Khalil.

She nodded pushing her way into the building stopping by the receptionist's desk to check in before heading to the doctors office.

Khadija found a place to seat after offering him a few words of encouragement. Khalil knocked on the door as a faint voice called out from the other side of the door ushering him in.

He twisted the knob pushing into the room meeting a middle aged woman sitting behind a desk, her head buried in a pile of papers scattered around the plane colored desk.

"Good afternoon. I have an appointment with you?" Khalil greeted garnering the woman's attention as she raised her head up, a look of recognition marring her features.

"Yes. You must be Khalil." She smiled standing to her feet approaching him. She held out her hand for a handshake and Khalil reached out his meeting hers halfway.

The woman walked back behind her desk taking a seat lacing her fingers studying the young man sitting in front of her with so many emotions in his features even with that he tried so hard to hide with a smile.

"I apologize. My name is Bilkisu and I'll be assisting you with what you need for the time being." Dr Hadiza introduced earning a nod from Khalil offering her a faint smile.

"It says in your application you were involved in an accident. Yes?" Dr Hadiza asked easing a smile on her face to dissipate the tension. Khalil nodded once again and with the gesture Hadiza could pick up he wasn't into this, nor was he willing to take it seriously.

"We specialize in cases that has to do with the brain, 98% of the cases similar to yours are mental. We're going to help you overcome your problems. But we're only offering 50% success. We have some papers ready for you to sign if you are willing to take it on." Dr Hadiza listed off their conditions and how they worked leaving Khalil in his thoughts as he nibbled on his lip.

He didn't know what a different place will do and he wasn't about to waste his time signing himself here, but her never gave them the chance to show them how to they worked.

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