| For Good |

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KHADIJA FLUTTERED HER EYES OPEN as the rays of sunlight hit her face

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KHADIJA FLUTTERED HER EYES OPEN as the rays of sunlight hit her face. She raised her hand to cover her eyes stifling a yawn. Her eyes adjusted to the unfamiliar bright room causing her to furrow her brows.

She pushed herself to sit but paused when she felt a warm chest behind her, and cussed to herself before angling her head to look behind her coming to face with Zaheer's sleeping face inches away from hers, his eyelashes framing his eyes; his face looking peaceful.

Khadija groaned as yesterday's memories came back to her; a wave of regret hitting her hard.

She pushed the blanket off her noticing she was half naked, releasing a breath when she saw Zaheer's arm grabbing onto her waist. Carefully plucking herself out of his hold, Khadija picked up her clothes before taking a glance at Zaheer who was still asleep and flew out of the room.

She went straight to take a shower to clear her mind and to get ready to go to the hospital to see Khalil. He wasn't awake yet but he was stable and the doctors predicted he would be awake by the end of the week.

ZAHEER stifled a yawn exiting his room freshly showered dressed in his usual outfit; a hoodie and sweatpants. He descended the stairs with his glasses in hand rubbing his eyes before adjusting his silver framed glasses back on his nose.

Khadija was nowhere to be seen and he im knew she was probably at the hospital for her cousin. He walked out the kitchen to fetch a bottle of water gulping it down as he dilated his mother's number.

They exchanged greetings and informed her he was picking up Jamal in a moment earning a reluctant response from her.

"I'll bring him over again sometime." He convinced earning an eye roll for his mother.

"Then get me another grandson Zaheer. The house is lonely and Humaira is rarely around. You know Anisah is out of the equation." She released a sigh attempting to guilt trip him as usual making him smile at her antics.

"We'll try our best mah." He joked.

"When did Anisah say she's coming back again? I can never know with that girl." His mother curiously asked.

"In three months." He replied. His mother scolded him more on his wife before ending the call mumbling words under her breath. He placed his phone on the island brushing his hands over his hair in frustration.

It was funny how yesterday was hazy to him, he just knew they both acted rashly but knowing his wife, she would act like it never happened or get her hopes up on reconciling which was something he knew would never happen coming for both their sides.

KHALIL COULDN'T CATCH A BREAK. It has been a week since he'd regained consciousness. His sister was on his back and babied him.

He was growing frustrated with all his family members that went years without seeing each other filling his room everyday asking for handouts when he in a hospital.

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