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KHALIL sighed as he walked down the familiar hallways of the center with the help of his crutches

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KHALIL sighed as he walked down the familiar hallways of the center with the help of his crutches. Khadija was following behind him to see his doctor to know about his progress with Jamal sleeping in her arms.

He was happy his sister was back and she followed him here, he was just weird not to express himself. He's rather say hurtful stuff to her just to see the jlook of surprise on her features, even it's for a while.

They arrived at his doctors office only to feel Khadija's hand on his back causing him to look back, brows raising in the process. She flashed him a threatening smile.

"I hope you're doing everything he says." She threatened knocking on the door. Khalil could only shake his head as he followed behind her when they got the doctor urged them to come in.

"Good afternoon doctor." Khadija smiled walking towards one of the chairs in front of the doctor's desk, taking a seat with Jamal in her lap whilst Khalil sat opposite her.

"How have you been doing?" Dr Sulieman turned towards Khalil after exchanging pleasantries with Khadija.

"Feeling better." Khalil answered.

"I guess your sister is here for your progress?" Dr Suleiman looked between them earning nods of agreement from the two which caused him to smile.

"Your brother is a very devoted person. His case can be critical for a lot of people but he's managed to overcome it with our facilities. He'll be walking in no time if we keep up with our routine." Dr Suleiman praised causing Khadija to smile. Someone would think she's his mother from the way she was beaming.

"Is there any way we can help? Maybe at home?" She asked leaning forward causing Jamal to whine, his chubby hands coming to rest on hers.

"The daily routine is enough for him. When it gets too tedious, it can stunt the healing process. The only thing would be to limit strenuous exercises like gymming and sports." Khalil rolled his eyes at the last sentence, knowing Khadija would be on his case from now on.

"Thank you doctor. I'll excuse myself then." Khadija announced pushing herself off her chair, making her way out of the room giving them their privacy.

"How's your leg?" Dr Sulieman questioned causing Khalil to glance at his leg, stretching them for measure.

"My left leg seems to be the stable one." Khalil replied.

"Which is completely normal. Aaron is waiting for you at the back." Dr Suleiman chuckled jerking his thumb behind him earning Khalil's attention as he nodded standing to his feet.

"I'll be on my way then." Khalil made his way out of the office dialing Khadija's number.

It wasn't as easy wiring with clutches but he managed to make it to the recovery unit, coincidentally running into Aaron, the bourse who helps him with his exercises.

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