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I TUCKED my legs under me hugging the plush pillow as Jamal sat in the middle of Rumaisa's bed playing with my car keys

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I TUCKED my legs under me hugging the plush pillow as Jamal sat in the middle of Rumaisa's bed playing with my car keys. Rumaisa looked over to me with a blank face making me poke my bottom lip out.

"I'm sad." I let out earning an eye roll from her as she adjusted her sitting position pinning her eyes to my slumped posture.

"You always say that when you want to get my attention. So tell me, I'm all ears." She replied gesturing to her ear.

Rumaisa was my closest friend I met two years ago. I had an appointment to see Jamal's vitals and see if everything was okay and we met there also to check on her baby daughter, Iman.

"Nothing. I realised it has been long since I came to visit you." I shrugged getting a really look from her not believing the words I said.

"You came over a week ago. Try again." She spoke daring me to say something. I pushed my lips together staring daggers at her not saying anything.

"No, it's just that I don't know when things became so complicated and hard." I mumbled fiddling with my fingers. My marriage with Zaheer is a touchy subject for me and I always end up crying in the end.

"What happened?" She urged carefully looking at my movements probably reading my body language to have an idea to what I was feeling.

"You know therapy is my second job, right?" She joked as I let out a low laugh.

"It's just that he's been bringing his girlfriend recently. The bitchy one. He doesn't bring any girls anymore but it hurts my ego to see him bringing a girl home. Can't he have some respect for me at least?"

"It's already enough he rarely speaks to me, or touch me, but he brings a girl over and I can't do anything about it." I cleared my throat feeling uneasy all over again.

It was better for me that Rumaisa was a friend I could lean on and tell her anything with no worry of her using it as a way to snatch my husband.

"Have you ever tried talking to him?" She asked as I bit my lip before shaking my head slowly. "Then that's it. He is used to you being submissive always so you give him the space to do the disrespectful things he has done to you. So we're going to give him the taste of his own medicine." She said with a menacing smile.

I gave her weird look before playing along nodding. There was a time where Rumaisa thought her husband was cheating, she took Iman to her parents house swearing to leave at least a stab wound.

"What do you mean by the taste of his own medicine?" I asked curiously because it was true I never said no to him nor did I question what he did even if it was wrong.

"You said you agreed to have an open relationship, right?" She asked as I nodded thinking where she was going with this. "So you're going to play the part." She shrugged making me shake my head with an unsure look on my face.

"Just because he does it doesn't mean I should do the same Rumaisa." I warned. One thing I swore to myself was I was going to do no foolish thing in the name of revenge.

"You're not going to do it literary. Just act like you are. And you show him you care after everything he does. Just show you don't care anymore." She finished whilst I looked over to Jamal hoping he wouldn't make a girl suffer because I'm going to beat his ass.

"And last but not the least, do not give him the attention you gave him before. Don't get salty when talking to him and don't talk to him unless it's urgent." She explained further while I sat thinking if this was going to work or take a wrong turn.

My thoughts were cut off when Rumaisa placed her hand on my shoulder making me look up at her to see a sad and pitiful expression on her face.

"It's going to be okay." She consoled me whilst I looked at the ceiling wondering when the hell I got into this mess in the first place.

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Don't judge anyone in the book yet especially Zaheer because it is yet explained why he's acting towards Khadija like that. Stay tuned!

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