| The Wedding |

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    ZAHEER DIDN'T COME BACK that night

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ZAHEER DIDN'T COME BACK that night. Not that she was surprised. Things did get messy at the time and if it was before she decided to suck it up and be a woman, she would've been feeling guilty for no apparent reason and that was enough to snap her back to reality.

It was early in the morning as the birds chirped loudly outside as she was fessing up Jamal. She chose to deck him in a simple blue shirt and shorts she bought for him recently. She was already ready wearing a simple bubu with a ring and watch on her hands.

This was how she planned to stay for the entire day as the event wasn't starting till nine in the evening so she had time, and it wasn't like she had anybody to impress. Not anymore.

A knock sounded on her door and she called out "Come in."

Anisa walked in her pajamas, her hair looking ruffled like she just woke up. She jumped on the bed, startling Khadija who placed her hand on her chest, turning to her.

"You scared me." She mumbled brushing Jamal's hair gently before she paused turning to her once again, her eyes widening. She was quick to embrace her. "When did you come back?" She asked pulling away.

"Yesterday. I was too tired so I hibernated in my room." Anisa sighed picking up Jamal, playing with him.

"Good Morning." Anisa cooed.

"What's so good about the morning?" Khadija smiled sarcastically.

"That we woke up, alive." Anisa shrugged.

"That turned dark real quick." Khadija sighed.

"Apparently being dark is attractive to men." Anisa wiggled her brows just as Jamal placed his chubby hands on her face. "You're my number one though."

"You're literally talking about men in front of your nephew. How am I supposed to train him not to be a player?" Khadija shook her head.

"Isn't that something you should be proud of instead of him becoming a loser with no girls?" Anisa wrapped her arm around her shoulder and she hummed, looking up in thought.

"You're right." Khadija mused. "What's for breakfast though?"

"There's masa but Zeena can whip up something for you." Anisa suggested and Khadija clasped her hands together standing to her feet, already making her way towards the door.

"No need." Khadija waved her off.

"Monger." Anisa called out but also followed after feeling her stomach grumble from hunger.

They found the bright kitchen full as the staff were swamped with work and a few people helping themselves to the fruits placed in the basket on the counter. They could hear the loud voices coming from the dining space and went over there as the food was served there.

"Good morning." Anisa greeted and there were multiple voices that answered her greeting this time around and Khadija found it ironic, chuckling as she helped herself to a seat.

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