| Making Decisions |

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THE HOUSE WAS BUSTLING WITH FAMILY MEMBERS, including children running around as they were chased outside to prevent them from breaking anything of importance and let the grown ups prepare for Iftar as it was an hour before Iftar

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THE HOUSE WAS BUSTLING WITH FAMILY MEMBERS, including children running around as they were chased outside to prevent them from breaking anything of importance and let the grown ups prepare for Iftar as it was an hour before Iftar.

Zaheer and Anisa were seated at the gazebo talking amongst themselves until Mahmoud excused himself not too long ago. It was just the two of them now.

"So what really happened?" Anisa laced her fingers, resting her chin on them.

"I've already had an identical conversation with Mahmoud." Zaheer sighed appearing fed up.

"That girl literally bolted out of the house. Something has to be up." Anisa challenged. "And I have a feeling the problem is coming from your side." She says bluntly earning no reaction from Zaheer who stared at the kids running around making them remind him of his.

"There's a reason behind her leaving. And it's not what you think it is." Zaheer let out a breath as a laugh, almost in incredulity placing Anisa in a state of confusion as she tilted her head to the side curiously.

"What's the reason?" She questioned.

"She asked for a divorce." Zaheer leaned forward, his voice lower than usual. Anisa's brows shot up in surprise instinctively as she mirrored Zaheer's movements, though hers was more frantic.

"She asked for a divorce?!" Anisa whisper yelled, her eyes bulging out of her sockets.

"She told me she was going to make sure she got it, not matter the cost." Zaheer tapped his index finger on the table separating him and Anisa. He purposely left out the part she told him about Mahmoud taking advantage of her. He found himself asking why he did so.

"I didn't expect that." Anisa pondered recalling her last exchange with Khadija and how jittery she was.

"Shouldn't you ask yourself why she did that though?" Anisa added.

"What's there to ask?" Were the only words he answered his baby sisters question with.

"You've been married to this girl for three years. She has never bailed on any gathering ever since, no matter how irrelevant it is. Even I have and that's my family." Anisa admitted to further prove her point.

"I don't think that's enough reason to think she wants to leave the marriage." Zaheer muttered, his gaze on the table blankly.

"You do know you have two mothers right? And our mother isn't someone easy to deal with." Anisa reminded him leaning forward, making an effort to meet his eyes.

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