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I thought I could overcome everything but it was harder than I thought

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I thought I could overcome everything but it was harder than I thought. Ever since I came back from getting milk for Jamal, I holed myself up in my room leaving Jamal in Anisa's care. I woke up an hour ago and I haven't moved an inch, nor did I plan to.

That was until a knock was delivered to my door which snapped me out of my thoughts as I ushered them to come in, not bothering to move to address whoever it was. Silence enveloped the room which I preferred except the fact that I wanted to be alone in the room which left a bugging feeling.

"Yes?" I called out.

"Madame sent me to call you for breakfast." Martha if I can recall informed me with her hands behind her back obviously uncomfortable in my presence. I released a breath through my nose nodding my head defeatedly.

As soon as she got her message across, she made her way out of the room. I stared at the wall opposite me mentally preparing myself to face the dysfunctional family I've found myself part of, not to mention the scariest of all was facing Mahmoud once again.

I let my feet come in contact with the cold floor making my way towards the bathroom to brush my teeth. As soon as I was done I threw on the robe laying on the sofa not bothering to wear anything else.

I made my way downstairs already catching faint chatters from the dining room. As soon as I got there, I found almost everyone present, most of the men sitting in their seats while their women were serving the food.

I approached my mother in laws engaged in what seemed to be an interesting discussion. As soon as I got there, I could see Mama Fatima's lip curl as soon as she saw me, causing Mama Halima to look over her shoulder to see who caught her attention.

Her face broke out into a smile as soon as her eyes found mine. "Good morning, mama." I greeted them both as Mama Halima embraced me, pulling away as her eyes briefly roamed my face.

"Morning darling, how are you?" She asked resting her hands on my shoulders, her hands sliding down my arms.

"I'm fine." I forced a smile just as someone approached her creating a perfect opportunity for me to escape as I pulled away, making my way towards the table. I sat beside Zaheer at the table who didn't bother saying anything to me and continued his conversation with one of his many cousins seated at the table.

I could feel his penetrating gaze on me even when I acted like I didn't see him. I was slowly losing myself as my anxiousness grew with each minute and the fact that he was still starting at me.

I picked up the glass of water in front of me gulping
it down, only to choke in the process. I coughed placing my hand over my mouth as I placed the cup back on the table.

"It's a shame grandma couldn't join us." Humaira sighed earning a few solemn looks around the table, some forced and only a few truly genuine.

"Truly a shame indeed. Let's pay her a visit after this then." Mama Halima flashed Humaira a smile earning a nod from the young adult as she pinned her attention on her food.

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