| Realization |

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IT WAS SATURDAY. Khadija always went grocery shopping on weekends and weirdly enough, she looked forward to it. She was dressed in a simple gown with a matching veil covering her upper half. Zaheer spent the day with Jamal so she had some time to herself.

Khadija forgot she was married sometimes considering she wasn't in a perfect one, not to mention her husband was still seeing other people so it did add up.

Putting the car in park, Khadija slid out of her car with her wallet and phone in hand pressing on the locks as she walked towards her destination.

Walking into the crowded but spacious area, she was hit with the sound of chatter and faint laughter around the place. She didn't waste time looking as she headed straight to the aisle that she visited often snagging a cart in the process.

She dumped a few items in the cart and continued her walk, observing the shelves for any new products.

Khadija got carried away when she sighted a cream she has been looking for as she reached her hand for it bumping into someone in the process. She stumbled a few steps back but regained her balance and quickly fixed her veil which started to slide off her head.

Looking up with an apologetic smile, Khadija was greeted with a light skinned male with a frown etched onto his face which made her feel more panicked for a reason. He looked young maybe a few years older than her she hoped she didn't bump into a problematic man.

"I-I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking it's my fault." She stumbled over her words as her fingers tightened on the silver colored cart anxiously. A smile briefly graced his face as his eyes flickered at her cart meters from his feet back to her, amusement dancing in his eyes which left her surprised for a moment.

He shrugged with a hint of a smile. "It's okay. I was more worried my feet were going to be mauled over than being bumped into really." He replied, humor lacing his tone as he gestures to his feet covered with socks and slides earning a genuine yet nervous laugh from Khadija.

"No but I still bumped into you and I wasn't looking meaning it is coming from my side. I'm sorry again." Khadija apologized once again earning a nod from the man.

Turning back to the shelf, Khadija reached for the glass bottle once again as she scanned the contents before dropping it into the cart and finally looked up only to meet the eyes of the man she talked to a minute ago causing her to raise her eyebrow.

"Do you need something —" She trailed off confused as to why the man was still standing there. Their conversation already ended and he already dismissed the fact that she bumped into him so she was left wondering why he still hung around.

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