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THE ROOM WAS PIN DROP SILENT. Khalil was leaned back on his bed, staring at the girl who seemed to occupy his mind the past few weeks and seeing her was something that made his heart beat faster than it normally did with how he was feeling lately.

Khalil hasn't once moved his eyes from the girl sitting beside him as she squirmed in her seat, feeling little under his gaze as she nervously fiddled with the ring adorning her finger.

Khalil noticed this and reached his hand out, covering her hand with his large ones, his gaze burning through her.

"I wasn't expecting to see you." He broke the silence causing her to look up.

"Khalil don't start this." She breathed out, sliding her hand from his tucking under it her arm.

Khalil released a low scoff. "I'm sorry if I feel discouraged that my fiancée hasn't visited for weeks." He shot back, taking Aziza aback with his sudden statement.

Khalil was always gentle with her, careful with what he said to her and how he spoke to her so him talking to her like that was something she wasn't used to.

"I'm here, Am I not? Do you know how this past week has been pretty hectic for me? Not everything is about you Khalil." She expressed with her hands in an aggravated manner.

Khalil released a breath as a laugh at the statement. "Funny you're saying that Aziza. I wasn't expecting you to rush to the hospital as soon as you heard that I'd gotten into an accident. But you could at least call me, try to see if I'm okay? Is that asking for too much?" His words were laced with frustration and a newfound anger that surprised him.

Aziza jerked her head back before letting out a humorless laugh. "Khalil you're not about to do that with me. I ruined my relationship with my father just so I could get married to you and I'm trying to pick up the pieces of our relationship left and you're here complaining about the fact that I didn't visit you? Aren't you being a bit too much?" She spat, her eyes turning to slits as she gripped the armchair tightly.

Aziza's father has always been against her marriage with Khalil and he never understood the reason behind it and he always brought the excuse of him studying in Russia without even having a job to support them.

Aziza was introduced to a man her father wanted her to marry so she called Khalil sobbing into the phone telling him about her situation. Khalil took it upon himself to prove himself to her father by coming to Nigeria and having a private talk with her father convincing him to move the wedding the next year and he will be ready to support them by then.

They were both surprised when her father agreed to his suggestion and gave one condition; should Aziza find a new man she wanted to marry; he wasn't going to object and would support the new couple. Khalil was surprised with the condition but accepted nevertheless relieved with the fact that he was accepted and flew back to Russia the next day.

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