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           KHALIL HAD GOTTEN INTO AN ACCIDENT. Khadija heard from mama that Khalil had gotten into an accident on their way to the airport and Khadija has been on edge since.

It didn't help matters when she found a girl clinging onto her husband in front of their marital home and her husband felt nothing or showed any remorse whatsoever.

She was tired of this back and fourth and chose to take Rumaisah's idea instead. She was done with Zaheer at this point and she had more pressing matters than thinking about a man who treated her like she meant nothing for the past three years.

Her hand was clasped tightly in her mothers with her face pressed to her shoulder seeking comfort in any way possible. She couldn't lose Khalil. He was everything to her. He was her younger brother even if they weren't sharing the same parents.

"Mama, what did they tell you beforehand?" Her raspy voice interrupted her mothers thoughts earning her attention making her glance at the shaken up Khadija burrowed into her body.

"They said he got into an accident with his friend and they have no idea what his current state is." Her mother pursued her lips raising Khadija's suspicions as she tightened her hold on her mothers arm.

"Please mama." Her voice cracked.

"There's a chance he might not be able to walk." Her mother added with a heavy heart whilst Khadija choked out a sob, shutting her eyes.

"It's going to be okay, don't worry." Her mother comforted her. She looked across the room, her eyes sweeping over their family members with solemn looks on their faces whilst Khalil's mom sniffled. Khalil's father was absent which wasn't a surprise to anyone.

After a while, the doctors walked out as Khadija resisted the urge to run to the doctors, staying in her seat considering she could still hear them from her seat.

"They're both fine. May I talk with the guardian please?" The head surgeon requested and Khalil's mom nodded her head and quickly followed behind him to hear about her sons health whilst Khadija released a breath knowing Khalil was alive and healthy.

There's a chance he might not walk for the rest of his life though.

Khadija released a breath trying to clear the thoughts out of her mind as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, pushing herself to stand making her mother look up at her.

"I'm going to get something to drink." She explained earning a nod from her mother who had a worried look on her face. Walking out of the room, Khadija walked down the empty hallway aimlessly sniffling a couple of times.

Her eyes landed on a familiar figure as she neared, and she could easily recognize Zaheer's sweatshirt as he sat on one of the chairs with his arms folded dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants he was wearing earlier.

She tore her eyes off him continuing her walk to the cafeteria. Part of her wondered what he was doing there coincidentally around the same time as her, but pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind.

He wasn't her priority now.

Unaware of her surroundings, she continued her walk before she bumped into a wall making her wince, rubbing her shoulder only to look up to find out she didn't bump into a wall but a person, recognizing it to be the man who asked for her number at the supermarket a few hours ago.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking." She was quick to apologize to the man who's eyes lit in recognition but regained his composure only nodding in response, his eyes pinned on her as she walked around him to her unknown destination.

Zaheer's eyes bounced to the man who continued his walk after Khadija was out of view. Not wanting to wait longer, he went ahead to greet her family.

Khadija walked back to the waiting room with two bottles of water in hand; one for her and the other for her mother. She sat beside her mother passing her the bottle of water with a smile on her face hoping to ease some of her nerves.

"Zaheer just came by." She smiled softly as Khadija raised her brows in surprise. She honestly thought he was here for something else.

"He did?" She asked earning a questionable look from her mother.

"Didn't you know he was coming?" Her mother asked.

"Y-yes but I thought it would be later on. He had some plans." Khadija hastily replied glancing at her family members noticing Aunty Farrah, Khalil's mom was still absent.

ZAHEER leaned his head back as he gazed at the empty parking lot looking out for the familiar petite figure. He noticed all her family leaving including his mother-in-law who waved at him as she slid into her car.

He started walking towards the building just as Khadija walked out with her hands covering her face. She broke out sobbing whilst wiping her face continuously but the tears seemed to be falling more.

Khadija suddenly felt arms wrapping around her and tensed at first ready to push the person away but the familiar cologne invading her nostrils already gave off the person and immediately burrowed into him.

She pushed her face into his chest dampening his sweatshirt with her tears. "H-he doesn't deserve it. It's s-so unf-fair." She choked in between sobs as she clenched his sweatshirt tighter.

Zaheer soothed her as she cried and that was all she needed at that moment. Someone to be there for her, someone who understood her, someone who knew her inside out.

Her mind was a haze. The ride home was blank, how she ended up in Zaheer's bed was a haze. Nor did she recall straddling Zaheer's lap, her mouth crashing into his lips sliding her hands from his chest to his neck whilst his hands slithered from her waist to her hips pulling her closer.

Their discarded clothes thrown over the room due to their impatience.

Something they would both regret the next morning, but at that moment; that was the only thing that mattered.

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