Chapter 17: Utter Bliss

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Chapter 17

The car came to a halt as I felt my palms become sweaty.

'You can do this Victoria! You can face her.' I thought to myself with a grimace.

Zolton grabbed my hand, giving it a light squeeze, before kissing the back of my hand. I lifted my eyebrow at him, my mind still not over the Fact Desiree (AN: I hope that was her name yo 😂) had kissed him. His face held a sense of writhed sadness, and thanks to the bond, my heart clenched seeing him like that.

Pulling my hand out of his, I took a deep breath. I stepped out of the car. He rolled the window down as though contemplating if he should leave or stay with me.

The latter definitely not bring an option of any sort.

"Go, I'll see you tomorrow," I said as he looked hesitant. "Go," I repeated as he sighed giving in.

"Be careful," he said reminding me of our situation earlier.

Nodding, I stepped back as he drove away. The car slowly disappeared out of sight, making my heart thumping my chest. Time to face the problem I was desperately trying to avoid.

Turning around, I saw the living room curtain move. I guess they saw me get home.

Wallkibv to the from door, I pushed the door open, making my way into the house that suddenly felt so lively. Funny how I hardly get to see them. You'd think I had no parents...

Walking to the living room, my eyes nearly rolled back at the cliche pose both my mom and dad sat on the couch with.

What was this? An interrogation room?

"Victoria, where have you been young lady?" I flinched at my mother's tone.

My mother sat in her prideful glory, her brown hair crusading down her shoulders as her blue eyes pierced into my soul.

"and who was that boy?" she questioned making my heart rate pick up slightly.

I honestly hoped she didn't take notice of how I'd gotten him, but that was a hopeless wish. She was going to set a stereotype now.

"Victoria... Answer me." Sgesaid sternly.

I didn't know what to say. How was I going to explain the situation I was in, without looking crazy? Forget trying to believe me, mom would probably rip her hair out.

"Were you out because you were playing around with that boy?"

Typical stereotype.

But I mean, she's not all wrong. Playing though is a harsh criticism.

"It's not like that mom..." I muttered.

"Speak up! I never taught you you speak like that. Answer me Victoria, where were you?"

Overbearing. That's what she felt like right now. I know I caused a panic by not coming home early, but did she really need to snap like that.

"I had gone to do an assignment and I happened to pass out due to the stress." I lied.

She simply looked at me as I averted my eyes. If she caught on she would pester me till the truth came out. I looked towards my dad with a desperate face, as he sighed looking towards my mother.

"Honey, it's the first time Victoria has ever beenate and you know she wouldn't do that because she wanted to." he said trying to coax her as he rubbed her shoulders.

After holding her stance for a couple seconds, she sighed giving in.

"I hope there won't be a second time, Victoria." she said.

I nodded as I excused myself, making my way to my bedroom. Shutting the door, I leaned my back against it.

Losing the strength in my knees, I fell down, My heart thumping rapidly in my chest. I lied. I actually lied. The guilt consumed me, but it couldn't be helped.

After Freshening up, I lay on my bed, my eyes focused on the patterns on my bedroom ceiling.

Today made no sense. The fact that I couldn't catch a proper glimpse at the people who had pushed their way into my mind was quite concerning. I felt a shiver shudder down my spine just thinking about it.

No matter what I thought of, I couldn't fathom why it was me. And Zolton never explained.

Picking up my phone, I decide to send a text message to Zolton. As I typed the words I sighed, putting my phone back down.

I needed to hear the answers from him directly. I could wait till tomorrow. Instead my mind found comfort in the gray eyes that held warmth when looking at me, u couldn't help but let my heart feel all giddy.

Putting aside Zolton's 'mistske', this was genuinely the first time I felt more than ready to leap into a relationship. It was funny how cliche it was to have found my soul mate. Giggling to myself like a thirteen year old girl who had just figured out what love us, I rolled to my side allowing the happy thoughts to invade my mind.

There was nothing more blissful than the thoughts that occupied.


I'm sorry, things have been getting quite hectic! It's a day late from what I scheduled on Instagram, but I managed to pull through!

What is Zoltin going to say when Victoria questions him? Who are these voices?

Don't forget to comment on the chapter! I hope to see your wonderful thoughts!

And, if you haven't already, please do check out my Instagram page (@ramatawrites) built just for the satisfaction of my readers!

Until the next scheduled update!


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