Chapter 15; Victoria, My Beloved

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Chapter 15:

I closed my eyes taking in a breath. I looked Zolton in his eyes. He looked at me with so much sincerity.

He looked in as much pain as I was, I know it wasn't his fault, but it partly is his, after all she kissed him and he stood still as I'd he was going to kiss her back.

The tears began to brim my eyes again and my heart squeezed in pain. I couldn't bare the pain of knowing what I saw.

His body shook as he touched my cheeks wiping away my tears. "please baby, don't cry, I can feel your pain, I didn't mean to out the tears in your eyes, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'd never do anything like that in purpose."

I smiled a little and wiped my tears away, stopping myself cm from crying. I know I'm pathetic, but I can't explain the feeling I have tight now.

"Please Victoria let me explain." he pleaded. I sighed agreeing, but I doubt I'll feel better after I went through.

We sat under the tree. He took a breath and turned to look at me. "Where do I start?" he chuckled lightly.

"How about how she comes into the story." I said.

Zolton nodded and began his stroy/explanation. "Desiree and I were childhood friends, she wasn't like this before. She was such a great person, but after getting her heart broken so many times, she lost trust and began to hate herself. She felt she wasn't worth it, that's when I decided to step in and help redeem herself." he looked at the ground.

"So what did you do?" I asked him.

"Well Desiree was always in love with me, but I knew I didn't, so my opportunity to help her was to dare her. I asked her out and she agreed and she became my girlfriend." he looked up to the sky. "Our parents had made an agreement, when I turn 19 and I haven't found my mate, I would have to mate Desiree and she would become my Luna and mate. I of course didn't agree, and so I started attending the highschool. Your scent lurked often but I often missed you. You were like a cloud that kept disapearibg into thin air. But after when we had met in the classroom I had finally found you. My beloved mate" he smiled brightly and widely.

"So what are you going to do now? Are you going to break her heart? Tell her you only fated her because you pitied her? Zokton how would she feel?" I asked him. Honestly, I might have Desiree, but shes also a girl in love.

Zolton sighed and put his hands on his head. "She doesn't know we're mates, I never got the chance to tell her, and her reaction is going to be the worst because she is obsessed with me." he said.

So crazy ex girlfriend, I sighed and looked him in the eyes. "Zolton you're going to have to tell her and now beca-" my head started buzzing and thrombi get pain shook it's way into my mind.

"Victoria?" I could hear Zoltons voce but it sounded like a blur. My eyes begin loosing vision, my body began heating up.

"Come to me Victoria, my beloved."

I screwed out in pain as if my head was being ripped open, I couldn't bear the pain, my body began to give out. A few shadows loomed around us as Zoltons took a protective stance, the people before us didn't seem normal.

The wore dark clothing and their eyes glowed blue. The surrounded Zolton and kept going at him hut he dodged each of their attacks trying to protect what's his. They kept coming and Zolton kept fighting on, I wanted to help buy my head continued to pound.

"Victoria my beloved" I could hear the same voice I've been hearing for a while.

"Get out of my head!" I screamed as I pulled at my hair. My body felt like it was going to paralyse out any moment. My body gave out completely, making me hit the ground in a thud.

"Give her to us" was all I heard before I blacked out.


I know it's been so long! But I missed the story just as much as you guys! How was great chapter?

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