Chapter 16: Back To Reality

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Chapter 17 is available on inkitt! Please check it out by using the link below in the comments section!

Chapter 16

I felt a sharp pain in my head as I tried opening my eyes. My ears ringing, as nothing but a blinding light came into sight. Groaning in pain, I sat up trying to steady myself.

"Victoria? Hey, Love, are you okay?"

I wanted to glare at the voice. Did it look like I was okay. It felt as though I was going to collapse at any moment. I just needed some quiet.


"Water, I need water," I croacked as my vision slowly cleared.

Looking at Zolton's back as he poured a glass of water for me, I couldn't help but want to lie down and fall back into a deep slumber.

"Here," he said, handing me glass of water.

Taking it, I drank as though I were a fish put of water, finding my place of survival yet again.

'Give her to us'

The words rang in my ears as I snapped my head towards Zolton. What happened earlier. All I remember was having my head almost explode by the voice that clearly didn't know how to whisper, before blacking out.

Just as I was about to open my mouth, Zolton's face came into view.

"W-what happened to your face?!" I questioned him.

There, his immaculate face, was covered in 2 bruises and a few cuts.

"There's no need to worry your pretty little head over this. I'm perfectly fine," he said with a smile.

Did he find this funny?

Sighing, I spoke out my thoughts, "What exactly happened? Who were those voices? What did they want?" I interrogated.

"Slow down, my love. Let's worry about you first, you were pretty knocked out for the past 6 hours. And, you need to go home. It's pretty late." he said making me widen my eyes, as I looked at the clock above his head in the back of the room.

Ah, ten minutes to midnight.

"Where's my phone?" I questioned.

Patting his pockets, Zolton pulled my phone out of his right side back pocket handing it to me.

The screen black I panicked for a moment thinking it was broken. Pressing the on button, I silently prayed it was still alive, I still had 12 months left to pay off the phone, I couldn't break it now.

The power turned on, and my heart felt a sense of relief. Soon all the missed calls popped on the screen.

"I'm so dead..." I said.

Feeling alert, Zolton looked at me with concerned eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asked carefully.

Sighing I took a breath as I dialed the more lenient one of the two. The phone rang a couple of times before the other side picked up.

"Victoria?!" I heard my name being yelled from the other side, booming in my ears.

"... Hi dad~" I said with a smile that could scare the living daylights out of anyone.

"Don't, 'hi dad' me-" he mimicked. "-do you know what time it is? What has gotten into you? Your mother's been worrying the heck out if the family since she couldn't get a hold of you. Where are you?" he questioned sternly.

"I'll be home soon, I'll explain everything when I get back." I rushed saying.

All he gave was a simple tired sigh, "Just come home." he said.

Ending the call I couldn't help but feel a pang in my chest. They were upset. How the heck was I supposed to explain what had been happening?

Letting out a huge puff of air, I put my head in my hands. What was I going to do?

Zolton's footsteps neared as I felt the bed dip. His hands stroked through my hair as though trying to comfort me. But no matter how much comfort came through me, I couldn't settle my heart in worrying about how to explain things to my parents.

Ah, this whole werewolf thing was all up in cloud nine, I forgot about reality.

"Love, i can feel your nervousness, I'm sure they understand if you explain."

"imagine the looks on my parents face if I say 'Hey, mom and dad, guess what! Your daughter found her mate! And he's a werewolf!', forget understanding, they'll throw me on a mental asylum."

"I'm sure you're exaggerating, plus, you don't have to tell them all of that, just say you fainted and your 'friend' nursed you to your wake." he said with a smile. "And it's not a lie if you actually did faint."

Ah, this man was going to get me killed one day. Sighing I nodded.

It was either do or die,

And even if I 'did', I was probably going to die at the hands of a mother bear.

It was all those voices's fault.


Yayyyy! Back with this book I'm crying ☺️, it's gonna take a while to get back on track and remember the flow, since I needed to find my book with the story plot.

Thank you all for sticking around and waiting for this update! I'm excited to continue! Hope you're excited to read!

What's going to happen next? Lemme know your thoughts below!


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