Chapter 3: Accepting The Invitation

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Chapter 3:

I looked towards Zolton. All he did was look away into the library. I shook my head and continued to read my book.

He looked back at me, and watched me as I read. I let out a frustrated sigh and looked him.

"Zolton, why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned him. All he do was shake his head.

"Because you're pretty." he said. His voice sending shivers through my body. In all honesty his voice was so sexy. Husky.

"So what do you want." I asked looking at him in curiosity. All he did was smile at my question.

"Go on a date with me." he said. I looked at him like he grew two heads. Did he bump something.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because I want to take you out, and because I want to get to know you better." he smiled, showing his bright white teeth, his canines perfect. Is it possible to have someone as beautiful as him crafted?

"I don't think you should go out with me. After all I am the schools need and I'm not that attractive and I'm dull and boring." all he did was look angry at my words.

"Who told you this?! Who dares say that about you!" he banged his hand on the library desk.

"Calm down. It's not like it really matters anyway, I really don't care. All I care about us my future." o said to him honestly. After all that's what I've been aspiring for.

"Let me say this to you and I'll tell you over and over if I have to, you're the most beautiful, the most smartest girl I know, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." he smiled.

To be honest his words touched my heart, and it felt like it exploded. Soon a grin I couldn't control over came my face. It made me happy hearing those words from him and honestly, I don't know why.

"Sure." I said to him. he looked at me confused and as he cocked his head to the side. "Yes I'll go on a date with you, you big dummy." I smiled.

So on a broad grin took over and all I could focus on was his smile. "I can't wait, tell me your address, I'll pick you up, tonight, at seven." he said in a haste. Chuckling to myself I explained to him all My details and soon he smiled even bigger. "Thank you for accepting."

"I hope I don't regret taking this decision." I said honestly. He nodded at me, and soon sat down and continued to watch me.

But this time,.... I didn't feel uncomfortable, this time I felt safe. I felt happy. I felt not alone.

The bell then ring indicating it was class time yet again. I closed the book and walked out the library, With Zolton hot on my heels. Everyone stopped and stared at me, as of I feel and got bird dukey all offer my face.

Not being able to handle the crowd, I began slowing down, feeling self conscious, I then allowed my hair to fall as a curtain to cover my face. Soon sparks shot up my arm and I felt two big hands intertwining with my mine.

I looked towards Zolton as he kept silent. He then, whispered in my ear, getting everyone's attention.

"you're beautiful." he whispered making me hold back a moan. I seriously don't know what going on with me.

Everyone stated, surprised, shocked. Wondering what he had said to get me a flustered. Zolton then pulled me through the crowd, towards my AP English classroom. He then walked in with me, taking a seat.

It was really rare for Zolton to attend class, yet he gets the best grades in the school. I fall in second after him. Which honestly sucks. But that's the best I can do.

Our teacher walked in, Zolton's dark Aura, caught the teachers attention. And out teacher looked quite surprised.

"Mr. SMITH! It's good to see you attend class once in a while." he smiled.

All Zolton did was look at him as if he had grown to heads, and them pull me closer to him. All the girls in the classroom shot jealous Stares towards me, and some fearful. Why? I felt as his hand fell on my thigh and he began stroking it. I caught his hand stopping him before I could actually release a moan as to how good it felt.

I looked towards Zolton only to see a smirk plastered on his perfect face. What the he'll was he doing to me?


Chapter 3 complete! What do you think of it? Was it good?

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