Chapter 11; When The Oracle Predicts

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Chapter 11:

I took a step breath looking him in the eyes. How would I explain this to him? Would he think of me as insane.

Dane put the cup of tea in front of me on the coffee table, thanking him I began to fidget.

"So tell me, Zolton has been telling me something that I can't quite understand, so perhaps you can explain it better." he encouraged.

"okay, well, you see. I've been hearing things, a voice calling our to me. And for some reason now it seems as though I know that voice, I know who it belongs to, but every time I try to remember, I can't. It's like this voice is playing games with me. I've fallen drowned, seen things, dreamed of things, it's been in my doll. I can't sleep remembering it." I explained.

Dane seemed to think for a moment. "What has this voice been saying to you?" he asked.

"he keeps saying Cone to me. Come to what? I don't even know who it is, or what it is."

Dane nodded at my words and stood up. He cleared his throat, his eyes looked... Worried.  "You need to be extra careful. To predict something for you, Victoria, is beyond difficult, there is something off about you and I fear with this you're going to do something to Zolton weather good or bad? I don't know." he explained.

Zolton looked at me his eyes holding worry. Soon we left Danes place and we sat in his car as we drove out of the forest.

Zolton kept silent as the car rode into the streets. My heart beat rapidly as my palms vegan becoming sweaty we pulled out upfront of his extravagant house as he unfastened his seat belt.

He then turned to me, but I was too afraid, too chicken, to face him. He pulled the key out of the ignition.

"Victoria?" he called out my name.

"Are you going to reject me?" I asked, my voice shaky. Could that be why he was so silent?

He kept silent for a moment, this was it. I had my first boyfriend, my first mate and on top of that, I really like him, and because of a stupid mental issue I have,a stupid person Making me look crazy.

"No." he stated. But it wasn't reassuring.

"Then why are you so silent?" I Said as the tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"I don't know." he said making the tears fall. "But I know I won't reject you, I love you too much to do that to myself." he said as he wiped my tears away.

"You love me?" I questioned him. As he nodded abruptly.

"I did before I met you and I loved you more after I met you, you're my lifeline, my mate, you're mine and mine alone." he says as he captured my lips into a heart warming overpowering kiss.

Instantly my mind went blank.

My first kiss.

My mates kissing me.

And I wouldn't want it any others way.

Zolton pulled away from me and stared into my eyes with his vibrant Grey icy blue eyes. It held so much love, so much sincerity and for a moment my heart just knew, he'd never hurt me for nothing. Nothing. And I'd now if something was up if he ever did.

He pulled me into an embrace and the shocks ran through my body. My mate was protecting me and I he made me feel loved.

"Never let rejection ever cross your mind, because I'd never give up what I love most for anything in the world. Ever." he promised..

And that promise etched its way into my heart.


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