Chapter 14; Whispers Of The Night

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Chapter 14:

I stared at myself in the mirror. The pain was peircing my heart. Why didn't he pull away? The tears spilled more.

I spent a little time in the bathroom before composing myself and walking out of the bathroom. Adrienne spent a lot if tone on this dinner and I wasn't going to ruin it for her.

I walked down the steps as Zolton stood silently in the corner. When he caught my scent looked at me instantly. I looked away and headed to Adrienne who was on the other side of the living room.

He seemed hurt, but honestly I just can't stand to look at him after what just happened. The girl from earlier sat on the other couch typing away.

"Okay, I don't know what happened, but don't ruin the mood with your sour faces, let's celebrate! Cone on let's eat." Adrienne said making me smile.

We walked to the dining table. My seat was allocated next to Zolton but I don't bother sparing him a glance. I was upset and I had every right to be.

We dished out and began eating. The girl from earlier say and ate as her eyes trained in Zolton who looked upset.

"Desiree, what are you doing here?" Adrienne asked with a tinge of bitterness in her tone.

"oh Adrienne dear, I cane to see Zolton, after all he and I were dating and engaged before he left." and that made my eyes snap to Zolton.

"were you ever going to tell me?" I asked him.

He looked down at his lap. "Victoria, you gave to understand, I didn't plan for that to happen, I didn't want this to turn out this way." he said his voice cracking, but I could care less. I felt betrayed. Hurt, crushed by his secrets.

I pushed my chair back and stood up grabbing my purse. "I'm leaving." I said to him moving our, I could hear Adrienne asking me to stay, Zolton looked like he was about to move but I had already begun to sprint. I ran into the woods, the forest.

I walked through the forest a tear tolling out of my eyes. This is why being alone is better. I never had a problem. If I had never met Zolton my heart wouldn't have shattered. I wouldn't have felt so betrayed.

My eyes felt heavy. I felt tired. I was in pain. I could hear a buzzing in my head and it got louder and louder. "Victoria" that Vouvray began speaking, "come to me sweet Victoria." the words echoed through the forest, whisper after whisper overlapping each other.

I felt an arm in my shoulder making my heart race I turned around to face Zolton. He stated at Mr in the eyes not uterine a word.

"Zolton I wanna be alone. I'm too hurt to listen to you right now." I said to him. He simply stared at me.

"Baby will you please listen to what I gave to tell you?" hearing his husky voice made me weak at the knees but I wasn't going to give up.

"NO! Zolton how could you, I thought you loved me? But in honestly I can see how much you despise me. You betrayed me. I feel so betrayed I feel so hurt. My heart is shattered. Why do I feel like I'm going to die? Why dies it mm-" he cut me off with his lips overtaking mine.

He kissed me bonding my hands on each side of me, he pushed me against a steady tree and kissed me harder. It felt to passionate, as if trying to convert his feelings.

He pulled away, his grey ice blue eyes staring at mine intently. His pupils were dilated and I felt hot. We moved away from each our hearts beating fast.

"Believe me Tori when I say this. You're mine one and only mine. I love you so damn much! I would never hurt you on purpose, you gave to listen to why this is like this." he pleaded and I simply sighed giving in, letting my heart open, ready to accept


How was it! Finally got a chapter done! Don't forget to comment and vote for the story!❎


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