Chapter 1; Dreams And A Mate

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C H A P T E R  1 :

There is a world beyond ours. One with mystical creatures and the unknown. There are those who lurk amongst us, beings that aren't meant to exist, people we aren't meant to see. A pair of Grey blue iced eyes stare at me from a mile away. I can't tell what it is, but everytime I move forward, it's as if I am not moving, as if I am still.

I woke up to the suns rays. Yawning I hot out of bed, walking to my shower. I let the water run, before standing under the warm water. Mom and dad were still asleep, but I can't blame them they work anytime during the day and sometimes at night.

I put the kettle in as I spread butter on the bread and switched on the toaster, pulling out eggs, I made on letter for us and packed mom and dad's. Finishing up I walked back to my room and got easy putting on my school uniform. I grabbed my bag and turned to the quiet and still house.

"goodbye" I said, my voice carried out softly, and since there was no one to reply to me, I walked out the door and headed for the school bus.

I waited at the bus stop with several other students. A few of my classmates stood beside me, but I couldn't care less. I put my earphones on and stood still, but what they didn't know was that I could hear them. And what's worse is they are speaking about me and I'm standing right next to them. Well who cares.

I am not very liked, people see me as an anti social disease that has no taste in anything. But honestly I'm just lonely and always alone. The truth is I haven't had any friends for a long time now.

The bus came into view as everyone loaded one by one. I waited so I would be the last one, I found an empty space right at the back and took a seat. I looked out my window to the sky, there was this huge cloud in the bright day. I couldn't help but admire it. There were a few popular girls in front of me, they began putting makeup etcetera. Who care what you look like? It's only happiness if you're happy with what you look like. But I chose not to say anything. I don't  want to get into a fight on the first day of my junior year in High school.

Tge school bus stopped outside school and walked out as soon as everyone came out, but people being the kind of people they are, they decided it would be funny to trip me, making me fall into my knees. They chuckled at how funny it was to them. One day they'll all bow down to me.

A motorcycle roared on the other side capturing everyone's attention. He came in. The he everyone is afraid, the he who never speaks the he who only looks down upon you, the he delinquent, the dark mysterious sexy Zolton Smith.

He showed up at our school last year, towards the ending of the year he was a freshmen with me. He always Sat next to me, but never said a word. Probably his way of staying away from people.

He's loved by everyone although he's anti social like me, but yes I'm treated like a disease, when I'm anti social. That's why you can never trust people, they can pretend and pretend and the day you pull of their masks you see the ugly side of them.

But like I said there is a world beyond us, one where mystical creatures walk, even amongst us they lurk. I stood up while everyone was distracted. Looking down I rushed into the school. But not looking where I was going I bumped into someone. Please I pray let it be a geek. I beg you God.

I looked up to see a pair of Grey blue icy eyes, the ones I've seen in my dreams, and they belong to none other than him. Zolton Smith. Taking a step back u looked to my feet.

"I apologize" I said to him, but he hadn't uttered a word, instead he pulled me into a hug, and put his face into my neck.

"mate" he muttered..

What the hell is happening? What I'd he doing, is there a reason he's hugging me? What's mate. Is it someone he knows.

I pulled back from him and took a few steps back, but it felt wrong to pull back why. I took a breath and looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry I'm not mate, I'm Victoria, we've met before. Sorry I'm not who you're looking for." I said to him honestly.

All he did was stare at me in confusion. Was it something I said? I walked away from him as glares were sent my way.

"hey Victoria, when was the last time you had a boyfriend? You're practically seventeen and you haven't had one?" the mean girls teased.

Actually I haven't had friends or people I could hang out with for the past 9 years, all people are fake, and I don't need fake people in my life. I got my books from my locker and ignored the jealous stares from the girls in our school and walked to class. Sitting in the back of the classroom, I faded the bored, as everyone walked in, not knowing I was there. Zolton walked in and all the girls gasped fixing up this make up and dresses. But I already knew. He always did and always will sit next to me, after all that is his escape.

And that's exactly what he did. He sat down not uttering a word. I wonder why he always chose to sit next to me. Instead if questioning him, I opened a book and began reading. But what's different is my escape is in the mythical and unknown world. That will always be my escape.

I could feel him stare at me, and that's when his eyes made an imprint in my mind. And I can't stop thinking about them, are my dreams trying to tell me something?


Hey guys, chapter 1 complete! Yesss! I hope you enjoyed it!

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