Chapter 6; Disaster Date Part 2

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Chapter 6:

There is a world beyond ours. One with mystical creatures and the unknown. There are those who lurk amongst us, beings that aren't meant to exist, people we aren't meant to see. A pair of Grey blue iced eyes stare at me from a mile away. I can't tell what it is, but everytime I move forward, it's as if I am not moving, as if I am still. But this time it's real, and this time I see six wolves. This time I can move. This time I'm not still.

I was frozen in shock. It pretty much felt like I stopped Breathing. My heart hammered against my chest. There were 6 wolves in front of me. Growling viciously at each other. The difference between Zolton's wolves and that guys wolves was their eyes. The man who had interrupted us us had red Wolf eyes. But Zolton and his people or wolves had ordinary eyes.

Honestly they looked breathless. Especially his wolf. A midnight wolf with Grey ice blue eyes. They were the fairytale id eish to meet. But have so little knowledge about them.

And yes no matter how beautiful, how wonderful they are I couldn't help but feel a little fear. What was the purpose of Zolton bringing me out here, or taking me on a date? Was it for him to kill me? Make me a sacrifice? Or was there more?

Soon they snarled and lunged for one another. I looked around the restaurant to see No one with fear of werewolves. Could they be werewolves too? Would that explain why they look like they have so much faith in him. In Zolton. Their Alpha?

Zolton boy into their necks, making them howl in pain. They clawed each other and we're at each other's throat.  There was one man behind the glass door that No one seemed to notice. He smiled a cunning grin, as his red eyes had specs of blue. He watched carefully. Bit by bit. Movement by movement. Watching every step.

He looked up to see my eyes meeting his, as his smile faltered. And a smirk took over his face. His dark hair moved to the side as his face twisted into that if a sadistic smile. He looked absolutely young whereas the men who had entered looked twice his age. Was he their leader? His lips formed into a snarl as he watched me intently.

I didn't notice I was backing up. Soon a hand touched my shoulder startling me. I looked to see a young man with the most unique set of violet eyes I had ever seen. Looming back at the glass window. He was gone. He just... Vanished. No trace of him ever being there. I turned yet again to the young man as he spoke.

"Follow me Luna, I have strict orders to take you to safety." he said. Luna?

"I think you're mistaking me for someone else. I'm not Luna, my name is Victoria." I corrected him. He seemed to be wanting to laugh as he covered his laugh with a cough.

"Yes, I mean Victoria. Alpha Zolton has given Mr strict instructions to take you to a safe place before something happens to you. And please don't argue I don't want my head on a stick." he concluded with a shiver of fear.

A. Zolton Smith. Alpha Zolton Smith.

Hesitantly I nodded. He then grabbed my hand and ran out the Resturant door. He opened a car and led me to the passengers seat. Seated he closed the door and headed to the drivers seat. I kind of felt lightheaded as if I were going to pass out soon.

I looked at the trees passing by as we drive in complete silent and I couldn't wrap my head around Zolton being a werewolf or ever seeing that red eyed man. Everything seemed to unrealistic. Everything seemed like a dream.

My vision became hazy and blurry. As I felt my forehead starting to form sweat. It felt absolute excruciating. A pounding on my head began as the car ride continued. My eyes began to feel droopy and my tummy churned.

Shaking my head I tried to keep my eyes open. The young man seemed to notice as he hault the car. "Please no, no, no, no, no. Don't pass out!" he yelled but it was a little too late, I was already getting engulfed by darkness.

And a set of Grey ice blue eyes seemed to comfort me. Was this all just a dream?

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