Chapter 12: Mr And Mrs. Smith Part 1

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Chapter 12:

I woke up to an empty house yet like every other day just like this Saturday. It honestly makes me wonder if my parents really care at all about me.

I let out a sigh and walked out of my bedroom into the kitchen. A note lay in the kitchen counter and just by looking at the handwriting I could tell it was my mother who had left the note.

Dearest Victoria

You father and I got a call for a meeting in the Bahamas so we won't get around for a week. We left some money in your savings account and Tgeres all the supplies you need in the house. Look after yourself and make sure to lock all doors.

Love mom

I let out a frustrated groan as I tore the paper up in anger. They're never home. Never there for me. Never proper parent figures. I envy people when they speak might of their parents, that I can't help but want to cry.

My cellphone rang as Zolton's number popped up making a smile pop up on my face.

"hello?" I said.

'Victoria? Is something the matter
I felt an uneasy emotion coming from you through the Mate bond.' he said concern laced in his voice.

"Its nothing, nothing at all." I lied to him. He hummed at my response not pushing further.

'Are you busy today?' he asked making my eyes furrow in confusion.

"No, I'm not." I answered him.

'Very well then wear your best dress and do your hair.' he said in a commanding tone.

"Why?" I questioned him.

'Well you're going to meet my parents. They've been dying to meet my mate. So moms making a huge dinner inviting my entire family over, and it seems everyone wants to see you.' he said making me gulp.

My hands were already sweaty and my face heated up in nervousness. I wasn't ready? Was I?

"Okay sure." I said as his voice filled with happiness.

"Thank you.' I instantly dropped the phone, running up to my bedroom. Looking for something to wear. And honestly right in this moment, everything looked unimpressive.

How was I, Victoria, supposed to meet my boyfried/mate's parents. I let out a groan of annoyance and a long sigh.

I walked into the bathroom Turing on the shower, I guess this means shopping for me.

I finished up and headed out the door towards the mall. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, someone was watching me and I could feel it.

I shook my head, trying to shake the feeling off but it wasn't happening. I rushed into the mall going to one of the stores and looking for a dress. I had taken dad's spare bank card, this should pay for them leaving me. Again.

I found a rather beautiful Red dress. It had black Lake and it looked... Perfect. I wouldn't mind wearing that dress for my wedding, but it wouldn't be suitable.

I chose the dress and told the sales lady and and she got it packed for me as I paid with the card. I'm sure it cost a couple hundreds, but who cares.

I walked back to dad's car, turning the ignition and driving back home. I put the dress up in the closet and got down to eating lunch. I moped around the house, played a few video games. It's times like this I wish for a sibling. One I can have fun with. Bring alone sucks.

I took a little nap and woke up just on time to get ready. Zolton texted me, telling me he was coming at 7 so I had 3 hours on me.

I curled my hair and began doing my make up,which only consisted of eyeliner and lip gloss, I'm not the foundation type. After steam ironing the red dress, I slipped it on and found the perfect matching black pumps. Yes pumps. I did not feel comfortable wearing heels, because I'm too nervous.

I touched up my hair and "make up" and that's when the door bell rang. I let our a sigh. I have a feeling I'm going to look stupid in front of them.

I opened the door to a handsome looking Zolton. He stared at me up and down before embedding a frown on his face.

"Change." was all he said.

I wanted to hit him with my purse. He doesn't say 'you look pretty'  or 'You look stunning.' he says 'Change.' I stared at him in disbelief.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because, you look to good and there will be lustful relatives and friends, and I don't want them staring at what's mine." he said in a possessive tone and mind you sounded good coming from Him.

"Then show them that." I said as I. Pushed him out the door, locking the front door and running to his car. Zolton rolled his eyes at me, and got into the drivers seat and we were off to see the Smiths.

Let this go well.


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