Chapter 7; He's My Mate

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Chapter 7:

In a world where knowledge is something people try to bury, once Uncovered, secrets begin to be revealed. Things a person never thought would have existed come to life, things a person never thought they see blinds them. Like always the same Grey icy blue eyes seem to give me comfort. Even in... darkness.

"What happened here? Didn't I tell you no harm was to come to my mate, your Luna?" a powerful voice erupted waking me up. I didn't want to wake up yet, I didn't want the dream to end. The dream of the wolves.

"Believe me, I didn't make her Faint, she just fainted from all the... Ugh... I don't know, stress?" the second voice said in fear. His voice was shaky.

My eyes snapped open as I was blinded by the lights. I hissed as I shut my eyes tighter.

"Victoria?" I heard a voice. A sexy voice at that. Please let it be I was abducted my sexy people.

I opened my eyes only to his lovely eyes. "Zolton?" I questioned a smile appeared in his face.

"Yeah its me, and you're finally awake." he said with relief in his voice. Did I die? Or was I out for million years or something?

"How long was I out?" I questioned, fearing the answer, what if my parents were dead.

"you've been out for a year, we tried waking you up but there was no way. But now your finally up." he said. Whhaaaaaaaaat? "I'm kidding, your reactions are so cute, you've been out for 2 hours, and you're at my house." he smiled.

"Zolton, I had the weirdest dream. There were wolves and you were a wolf too, not that I'm saying it was anything bad, but damn you looked good. Anyway these guys were there and, it wasn't a dream was it?" I questioned him realizing.

"Nope, it wasn't." he said.

"When we're you going to tell me? That you were a wolf?" I asked him.

He looked at me, "when I finally married you." he said.

I stared at him wide eyed. Was he serious? I chuckled at his reply and shook my head. "get some rest." he smiled.

I nodded and let my head hit the pillows. I picked up my phone only to see a message from. My parents.

Going to Canada for a few weeks, see you when we get back.

God! The day they actually stay for me would be the day, angels fall from heaven. I let out a groan and threw my phone on the bedside stand.

I turned around and let a tear fall. I really want my parents back. Letting out a sigh, I let my eyes close and let my body fall into a dark abyss of nothingness.

I let the blanket fall onto the bed, after fixing it. The smell of food had tickled my nose capturing my attention. I opened the door and followed my senses down the stairs.

Oh God it was getting more enticing, more arousing. Food was definitely life. I walked into the kitchen towards a set down plate. I dug in and let my taste buds swim in joy.

A throat cleared itself behind me as I turned around to see many pairs of eyes set on Mr. No one made a sound. Everyone looked at me, they eyes wide with surprise. Way to make a first impression. Nor even a cough was heard.

"haha, hi..." I said awkwardly. Soon I heard footsteps coming down in a hurry.

Zolton's eyes caught mine and he let out a sigh of, I think relief. He rushed up to me engulfing me into a hug. "I thought something happened to you." he said. I don't think he noticed the eyes looking at us.

He then turned around to the men sitting there. There was only 2 girls among them. A quiet moment passed before squeals were heard. "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! The Lina, it's her, she's si beautiful! She so ahhhhhhhhhhh!" they said and ran towards me poking me to see if I was real and then let out another squeal.

Two en walked behind them and wrapped their arms around their waists pulling them away from me. I guess they were mates. "nice to meet you Luna. I'm Clair." the girl was short, okay a bit shorter than me, she has blonde hair and the tips were dyes pink.

The other girl who had poked me, was a bit taller, she has wavy chocolate brown hair that flowed down her back. She simply waved. "she's Arianna, she doesn't talk much." Clair introduced.

"hi nice to meet you guys, I'm Victoria." I introduced myself with a smile.

"She's so nice! We're gonna be the best of friends." she tackled me and pulled me into a hug.

Friends? I never thought I'd ever have them. It makes me kind of.... Happy.


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